Module albow.core.ui.Widget

Source code
from typing import cast

import sys
import logging

from datetime import datetime
from datetime import timedelta

from pygame import Rect
from pygame import Surface

from pygame.event import Event

from pygame.locals import K_RETURN
from pygame.locals import K_KP_ENTER
from pygame.locals import K_ESCAPE
from pygame.locals import K_TAB
from pygame.locals import KEYDOWN
from pygame.locals import SRCALPHA

from pygame.mouse import set_cursor
from pygame.cursors import arrow as arrow_cursor
from pygame.transform import rotozoom
from albow.vectors import add
from albow.vectors import subtract

from albow.utils import frame_rect
from albow.utils import overridable_property

from albow.themes.Theme import Theme
from albow.themes.ThemeProperty import ThemeProperty
from albow.themes.FontProperty import FontProperty

# from albow.core.RectUtility import RectUtility
# import albow.core.ui.Predictor

from albow.core.ui.AlbowRect import AlbowRect

class Widget(AlbowRect):
    The Widget class is the base class for all widgets. A widget occupies a rectangular area of the PyGame screen
    to which all drawing in it is clipped, and it may receive mouse and keyboard events. A widget may also
    contain subwidgets.

    .. Note::
        Due to a limitation of PyGame subsurfaces, a widget's rectangle must be entirely contained within that of
        its parent widget. An exception will occur if this is violated.

    - Reading the following attributes retrieves the corresponding values from the widget's rect.
    - Assigning to them changes the size and position of the widget.
    - Additionally, if the size of the widget is changed via these
      attributes, the size and position of its subwidgets is updated according to each subwidget's anchor attribute.

        left, right, top, bottom, width, height, size,
        topleft, topright, bottomleft, bottomright,
        midleft, midright, midtop, midbottom,
        center, centerx, centery

    This does not happen if the rect is modified directly.


    lastDebugRectTime = + timedelta(seconds=4)
    debug_rect = False

    current_cursor = None
    root_widget = None

    font = FontProperty('font')
    Font to use for drawing text in the widget. How this property is used depends on the widget. Some widgets have 
    additional font properties for specific parts of the widget.
    fg_color = ThemeProperty('fg_color')
    Foreground colour for the contents of the widget. How this property is used depends on the widget. Some widgets 
    have additional colour properties for specific parts of the widget.
    bg_color = ThemeProperty('bg_color')
    Background colour of the widget. If specified, the widget's rect is filled with this colour before drawing its 
    contents. If no background colour is specified or it is set to None, the widget has no background and is drawn 
    transparently over its parent. For most widgets, it defaults to None.
    bg_image = ThemeProperty('bg_image')
    An image to be displayed in the background. If specified, this overrides any bg_color.
    scale_bg = ThemeProperty('scale_bg')
    If true, and the background image is smaller than the widget in either direction, the background image is scaled 
    to fill the widget, otherwise it is centered. Note: Due to a limitation of the pygame rotozoom function, scaling 
    is currently uniform in both directions, with the scale factor being that required to ensure that the whole 
    widget is covered.
    border_width = ThemeProperty('border_width')
    Width of a border to be drawn inside the outer edge of the widget. If this is unspecified or set to zero, 
    no border is drawn.
    border_color = ThemeProperty('border_color')
    Color in which to draw the border specified by border_width.
    sel_color = ThemeProperty('sel_color')
    margin = ThemeProperty('margin')
    The amount of space to leave between the edge of the widget and its contents. Note that this distance includes the 
    border_width, e.g. if border_width == 1 and margin == 3, then there is 2 pixels of space between the inside of 
    the border and the contents.

    Most of the predefined Albow widgets honour the margin property, but this is not automatic for your own widget 
    subclasses. You may find the get_margin_rect() method helpful in implementing support for the margin property 
    in your widget classes.

    menu_bar = overridable_property('menu_bar')
    A MenuBar to be attached to and managed by this widget. Assigning to the menu_bar property automatically adds the 
    menu bar as a child widget. Also, if the width of the menu bar has not already been set, it is set to be the same 
    width as this widget and to stretch horizontally with it.

    When a key down event with the platform's standard menu command modifier (Command on Mac, Control on other 
    platforms) is dispatched through this widget, the menu bar is first given a chance to handle the event. If the 
    menu bar does not handle it, dispatching continues as normal.

    is_gl_container: bool = overridable_property('is_gl_container')
    Controls the drawing behaviour of the widget when used in an OpenGL window. When true, 
    - no 2D drawing is performed for the widget itself
    - its background colour and border properties are ignored 
    - its draw() and draw_over() methods are never called. 
    If it has 3D subwidgets, 3D drawing is performed for them.

    When false, the widget and its subwidgets are rendered to a temporary surface which is then drawn to the window 
    using glDrawPixels() with blending. No 3D drawing is performed for any of its subwidgets.

    In either case, input events are handled in the usual way.

    This property has no effect on widgets in a non-OpenGL window.

    tab_stop: bool = False
    True if this widget should receive the keyboard focus when the user presses the Tab key. Defaults to false.
    enter_response = None
    cancel_response = None
    _menubar = None
    _visible = True
    _is_gl_container = False
    redraw_every_event = True
    resizing_axes = {'h': 'lr', 'v': 'tb'}
    resizing_values = {'': [0], 'm': [1], 's': [0, 1]}

    visible = overridable_property('visible')
    When true, the widget is visible and active. When false, the widget is invisible and will not receive events. 
    Defaults to true. The behaviour of this property can be customized by overriding the get_visible method.
    parent = None
    Read-only. The widget having this widget as a subwidget, or None if the widget is not contained in another 
    widget. A widget must ultimately be contained in the root widget in order to be drawn and to receive events.
    focus_switch: "Widget" = None
    subwidget to receive key events

    def __init__(self, rect: Rect = None, **kwds):
        Creates a new widget, initially without any parent. If a rect is given, it specifies the new widget's initial s
        ize and position relative to its parent.

            rect:   A PyGame rectangle defining the portion of the parent widget's coordinate system occupied by the
             widget. Modifying this rectangle changes the widget's size and position.

            **kwds: Additional attributes specified as key-value pairs

        self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

        # self.predictor = albow.core.ui.Predictor.Predictor(self)
        # """Helps the widget look up attributes"""

        self.is_modal = False
        self.modal_result = None


    def set(self, **kwds):
        # for name, value in kwds.iteritems():  -- update for python 3 -- hasii
        for name, value in kwds.items():
            if not hasattr(self, name):
                raise TypeError("Unexpected keyword argument '%s'" % name)
            setattr(self, name, value)

    def add_anchor(self, mode: str):
        Adds the options specified by mode to the anchor property.

            mode:  The new anchor mode to add

        self.anchor = "".join(set(self.anchor) | set(mode))

    def remove_anchor(self, mode: str):
         Remove the options specified by mode from anchor property.

            mode: The anchor mode to remove

        self.anchor = "".join(set(self.anchor) - set(mode))

    def set_resizing(self, axis, value):
        chars = self.resizing_axes[axis]
        anchor = self.anchor
        for c in chars:
            anchor = anchor.replace(c, '')
        for i in self.resizing_values[value]:
            anchor += chars[i]
        self.anchor = anchor + value

    def add(self, arg: 'Widget'):     # Python 3 forward reference;
        Adds the given widget or sequence of widgets as a subwidget of this widget.

            arg:  May be a single widget or multiple

        if arg:

            self.logger.debug(f"arg: '{arg.__str__()}' is Widget {isinstance(arg, Widget)}")
            # Python 3 hack because 'Label' is sometimes reported as not a 'Widget'
            if isinstance(arg, Widget) or not hasattr(arg, '__iter__'):
                self.logger.debug(f"arg is container: {arg.__str__}")
                for item in arg:

    def add_centered(self, widget):
        Adds the given widget and positions it in the center of this widget.

            widget: The widget to center

        w, h = self.size = w // 2, h // 2

    def remove(self, widget):

        If the given widget is a subwidget of this widget, it is removed and its parent attribute is set to None.

            widget:  The widget to act on
        if widget in self.subwidgets:

    def set_parent(self, parent):
        Changes the parent of this widget to the given widget. This is an alternative to using the add and remove
        methods of the parent widget. Setting the parent to None removes the widget from any parent.


        if parent is not self.parent:
            if self.parent:
            self.parent = parent
            if parent:

    def _add(self, widget):

    def _remove(self, widget):
        if self.focus_switch is widget:
            self.focus_switch = cast(Widget, None)

    def draw_all(self, surface):

        if self.visible:
            surf_rect = surface.get_rect()
            bg_image = self.bg_image
            if bg_image:
                if self.scale_bg:
                    bg_width, bg_height = bg_image.get_size()
                    width, height = self.size
                    if width > bg_width or height > bg_height:
                        hscale = width / bg_width
                        vscale = height / bg_height
                        bg_image = rotozoom(bg_image, 0.0, max(hscale, vscale))
                r = bg_image.get_rect()
                surface.blit(bg_image, r)
                bg = self.bg_color
                if bg:
            bw = self.border_width
            if bw:
                bc = self.border_color or self.fg_color
                frame_rect(surface, bc, surf_rect, bw)
            for widget in self.subwidgets:
                sub_rect = widget.rect

                self.debugSubWidgetDraws(sub_rect, widget)

                sub_rect = surf_rect.clip(sub_rect)
                if sub_rect.width > 0 and sub_rect.height > 0:
                        sub = surface.subsurface(sub_rect)
                    except ValueError as e:
                        if str(e) == "subsurface rectangle outside surface area":
                            self.diagnose_subsurface_problem(surface, widget)

    def debugSubWidgetDraws(self, sub_rect, widget):

        if Widget.debug_rect:
            currentTime =
            if currentTime >= Widget.lastDebugRectTime:

      "Drawing subwidget '{widget}' of '{self} with rect '{sub_rect}'")

                Widget.lastDebugRectTime = currentTime + timedelta(seconds=4)

    def diagnose_subsurface_problem(self, surface, widget):
        mess = "Widget %s %s outside parent surface %s %s" % (
            widget, widget.rect, self, surface.get_rect())
        sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % mess)
        surface.fill((255, 0, 0), widget.rect)

    def find_widget(self, pos: tuple):

        for widget in self.subwidgets[::-1]:
            if widget.visible:
                r = widget.rect

                if isinstance(pos, map):
                    pos = list(pos)
                if r.collidepoint(pos[0], pos[1]):
                    return widget.find_widget(subtract(pos, r.topleft))
        return self

    def handle_mouse(self, name, event):

        self.call_handler(name, event)

    def augment_mouse_event(self, event):
            event:   The event to augment

        posMap = self.global_to_local(event.pos)
        event.dict['local'] = list(posMap)

    def setup_cursor(self, event):

        cursor = self.get_cursor(event) or arrow_cursor
        if cursor is not Widget.current_cursor:
            Widget.current_cursor = cursor

    def dispatch_key(self, name, event):
        if self.visible:
            if event.cmd and event.type == KEYDOWN:
                menubar = self._menubar
                if menubar and menubar.handle_command_key(event):
            widget = self.focus_switch
            if widget:
                widget.dispatch_key(name, event)
                self.call_handler(name, event)
            self.call_parent_handler(name, event)

    def handle_event(self, name, event):
        handler = getattr(self, name, None)
        if handler:
            return handler(event)
            parent = self.next_handler()
            if parent:
                return parent.handle_event(name, event)

    def get_focus(self):
        If this widget or one of its subwidgets has the keyboard focus, returns that widget. Otherwise it returns
        the widget that would have the keyboard focus if this widget were on the focus path.

        Returns:  A widget with the focus
        widget = self
        while 1:
            focus = widget.focus_switch
            if not focus:
            widget = focus
        return widget

    def notify_attention_loss(self):
        widget = self
        while 1:
            if widget.is_modal:
            parent = widget.parent
            if not parent:
            focus = parent.focus_switch
            if focus and focus is not widget:
            widget = parent

    def dispatch_attention_loss(self):
        widget = self
        while widget:
            widget = widget.focus_switch

    def handle_command(self, name, *args):
        method = getattr(self, name, None)
        if method:
            return method(*args)
            parent = self.next_handler()
            if parent:
                return parent.handle_command(name, *args)

    def next_handler(self):
        if not self.is_modal:
            return self.parent

    def call_handler(self, name, *args):
        If the widget has a method with the given name, it is called with the given arguments, and its return value is
        is returned. Otherwise, nothing is done and 'pass' is returned.

            name:  The method name
            *args: The arguments to use

        Returns:  The value of the 'called' method
        method = getattr(self, name, None)
        if method:
            return method(*args)
            return 'pass'

    def call_parent_handler(self, name, *args):
        Invokes call_handler on the parent of this widget, if any. This can be used to pass an event on to a
        parent widget if you don't want to handle it.

            name:   The method name
            *args:  Its arguments

        Returns:  The value of the 'called' methood

        parent = self.next_handler()
        if parent:
            parent.call_handler(name, *args)

    def is_inside(self, container):
        widget = self
        while widget:
            if widget is container:
                return True
            widget = widget.parent
        return False

    def present(self, centered: bool = True):

        Presents the widget as a modal dialog. The widget is added as a subwidget of the root widget, centered
        within it if centered is true. A nested event loop is entered in which any events for widgets other
        than this widget and its subwidgets are ignored. Control is retained until this widget's dismiss
        method is called. The argument to dismiss is returned from the present call.

            centered:  Indicates whether or not to center;  default is True

        Returns:  The value returned from the modal widget


        root = self.get_root()
        if centered:

        self.logger.debug("Widget.present: returning.  Result: %s", self.modal_result)
        return self.modal_result

    def dismiss(self, value=True):
        When the presented widget presented is modal using present() causes the modal event loop to exit and
        the present() call to return with the given result.

            value:  The value to set in modal_result


        self.modal_result = value

    def get_root(self):
        Returns the root widget (whether this widget is contained within it or not).

            Deprecated, use RootWidget.getRoot()

        Returns:  The root widget

        return Widget.root_widget

    def get_top_widget(self) -> "Widget":
        Returns the highest widget in the containment hierarchy currently receiving input events. If a modal
        dialog is in progress, the modal dialog widget is the top widget, otherwise it is the root widget.

        Returns:  The top level widget in a containment hierarchy

        top = self
        while top.parent and not top.is_modal:
            top = top.parent
        return top

    def focus(self):
        Gives this widget the keyboard focus. The widget must be visible (i.e. contained within the root
        widget) for this to have any affect.
        parent = self.next_handler()
        if parent:

    def focus_on(self, subwidget):
        old_focus = self.focus_switch
        if old_focus is not subwidget:
            if old_focus:
            self.focus_switch = subwidget

    def has_focus(self):

        Returns:    True if the widget is on the focus path, i.e. this widget or one of its subwidgets currently\
        has the keyboard focus.
        return self.is_modal or (self.parent and self.parent.focused_on(self))

    def focused_on(self, widget):
        return self.focus_switch is widget and self.has_focus()

    def focus_chain(self):
        result = []
        widget = self
        while widget:
            widget = widget.focus_switch
        return result

    def shrink_wrap(self):
        contents = self.subwidgets
        if contents:
            rects = [widget.rect for widget in contents]
            # rmax = Rect.unionall(rects) # broken in PyGame 1.7.1
            rmax = rects.pop()
            for r in rects:
                rmax = rmax.union(r)
            self._rect.size = list(add(rmax.topleft, rmax.bottomright))

    def invalidate(self):
        Marks the widget as needing to be redrawn. You will need to call this from the begin_frame() method of your
        Shell or Screen if you have the redraw_every_frame attribute of the root widget set to False.

        NOTE: Currently, calling this method on any widget will cause all widgets to be redrawn on the next return
        to the event loop. Future versions may be more selective.

        root = self.get_root()
        if root:
            root.do_draw = True

    def predict(self, kwds, name):
            return kwds[name]
        except KeyError:
            return Theme.getThemeRoot().get(self.__class__, name)

    def predict_attr(self, kwds, name):
            return kwds[name]
        except KeyError:
            return getattr(self, name)

    def init_attr(self, kwds, name):
            return kwds.pop(name)
        except KeyError:
            return getattr(self, name)

    def predict_font(self, kwds, name='font'):
        return kwds.get(name) or Theme.getThemeRoot().get_font(self.__class__, name)

    def get_margin_rect(self) -> Rect:
        Returns a Rect in local coordinates representing the content area of the widget, as determined
        by its margin property.

        Returns: The rect of the content area

        r = Rect((0, 0), self.size)
        d = -2 * self.margin
        r.inflate_ip(d, d)
        return r

    def set_size_for_text(self, width, nLines=1):
        Sets the widget's Rect to a suitable size for displaying text of the specified width and number of lines in
        its current font, as determined by the font property. The width can be either a number of pixels or a
        piece of sample text.

            width:  The number of pixels or some sample text

            nLines: The number of lines in the text;  Defaults to 1
        if width is not None:
            font = self.font
            d = 2 * self.margin
            # Python 3 update
            # if isinstance(width, basestring):
            if isinstance(width, str):
                width, height = font.size(width)
                width += d + 2
                height = font.size("X")[1]
            self.size = (width, height * nLines + d)

    def tab_to_first(self):
        chain = self.get_tab_order()
        if chain:

    def tab_to_next(self):
        top = self.get_top_widget()
        chain = top.get_tab_order()
            i = chain.index(self)
        except ValueError:
        target = chain[(i + 1) % len(chain)]

    def get_tab_order(self):
        result = []
        return result

    def collect_tab_order(self, result):
        if self.visible:
            if self.tab_stop:
            for child in self.subwidgets:

    def inherited(self, attributeName: str):
        Looks up the parent hierarchy to find the first widget that has an attribute with the given name, and
        returns its value. If not found, returns None.

            attributeName:  The name of the attribute

        Returns: The attribute's value or None if not found

        value = getattr(self, attributeName)

        if value is not None:
            return value
            parent = self.next_handler()
            if parent:
                return parent.inherited(attributeName)

    def get_mouse(self):
        root = self.get_root()
        return root.get_mouse_for(self)

    def get_menu_bar(self):
        return self._menubar

    def set_menu_bar(self, menubar):
        if menubar is not self._menubar:
            if self._menubar:
            self._menubar = menubar
            if menubar:
                if menubar.width == 0:
                    menubar.width = self.width
                    menubar.anchor = 'lr'

    def get_is_gl_container(self):
        return self._is_gl_container

    def set_is_gl_container(self, x):
        self._is_gl_container = x

    def gl_draw_all(self, gl_surface):

        if self.visible:
            if self.is_gl_container:
                for subwidget in self.subwidgets:
                    gl_subsurface = gl_surface.subsurface(subwidget.rect)
                surface = Surface(self.size, SRCALPHA)

    def gl_draw_self(self, gl_surface):

        # TODO: draw background and border here

    def defer_drawing(self):
        Called every time around the event loop on the root widget or a
        widget that is modal. If it returns true, the frame timer runs,
        scheduled calls are made, and screen updates are performed once per
        frame. Otherwise the screen is updated after each mouse down, mouser
        up or keyboard event and scheduled calls are not made.
        return False

    def relative_mode(self):
        Return true if relative input mode should be used. Called each
        time around the event loop on the root widget or a widget that is

        In relative input mode, the mouse cursor is hidden and mouse
        movements are not constrained to the edges of the window. In this
        mode, mouse movement events are delivered to the widget having the
        keyboard focus by calling the 'mouse_delta' method. The 'rel'
        attribute of the event should be used to obtain the movement since
        the last mouse event. Mouse down and mouse up events are also
        delivered to the focus widget, using the usual methods.

        The user can always escape from relative mode temporarily by
        pressing Ctrl-Shift-Escape. Normal mouse functionality is restored
        and further input events are ignored until a mouse click or key
        press occurs.
        return False

    def __contains__(self, event: Event):

        r = Rect(self._rect)
        r.left = 0 = 0

        answer: bool = False
            p = self.global_to_local(event.pos)
            pList = list(p)
            answer = r.collidepoint(pList[0], pList[1])
        except AttributeError as ae:

        return answer
    #   Abstract methods follow

    def draw(self, surface: Surface):
        Called whenever the widget's contents need to be drawn. The surface is a subsurface the same size as the
        widget's rect with the drawing origin at its top left corner.

        The widget is filled with its background colour, if any, before this method is called. The border and
        subwidgets, if any, are drawn after this method returns.

            surface:  The pygame surface to draw on

    def draw_over(self, surface: Surface):
        Called after drawing all the subwidgets of this widget. This method can be used to draw content that is
        to appear on top of any subwidgets.

            surface:  The pygame surface to draw on

    def key_down(self, theKeyEvent: Event):
        Called when a key press event occurs and this widget has the keyboard focus, or a subwidget has the
        focus but did not handle the event.

        NOTE: If you override this method and don't want to handle a key_down event, be sure to call the inherited
        key_down() method to pass the event to the parent widget.

            theKeyEvent: The key event
        k = theKeyEvent.key
        self.logger.debug("Widget.key_down: %s", k)

        if k == K_RETURN or k == K_KP_ENTER:
            if self.enter_response is not None:
        elif k == K_ESCAPE:
            if self.cancel_response is not None:
        elif k == K_TAB:
        self.call_parent_handler('key_down', theKeyEvent)

    def key_up(self, theKeyEvent: Event):
        Called when a key release event occurs and this widget has the keyboard focus.

            - If you override this method and don't want to handle a key_up event
            - be sure to call the inherited key_up() method to pass the event to the parent widget.

            theKeyEvent:  The key event

        self.call_parent_handler('key_up', theKeyEvent)

    def get_cursor(self, event):
        Called to determine the appropriate cursor to display over the widget.
        The ResourceUtility.get_cursor() function returns a suitable tuple.

            event:  An event object containing the mouse coordinates to be used in determining the cursor.

        Returns: A cursor in the form of a tuple of arguments to the PyGame set_cursor() function

        self.logger.debug(f"event {event}")
        return arrow_cursor

    def attention_lost(self):
        Called when the widget is on the focus path, and a mouse-down event occurs in any widget which is not on
        the focus path. The focus path is defined as the widget having the keyboard focus, plus any widgets on the
        path from there up the parent hierarchy to the root widget. This method can be useful to ensure that changes
        to a data structure being edited are committed before performing some other action.


    def get_visible(self):
        Called to determine the value of the visible property. By overriding this, you can make the visibility of the
        widget dependent on some external condition.

        Returns: The widget visibility state

        return self._visible

    def set_visible(self, x):
        self._visible = x


class Widget (rect=None, **kwds)

The Widget class is the base class for all widgets. A widget occupies a rectangular area of the PyGame screen to which all drawing in it is clipped, and it may receive mouse and keyboard events. A widget may also contain subwidgets.


Due to a limitation of PyGame subsurfaces, a widget's rectangle must be entirely contained within that of its parent widget. An exception will occur if this is violated.

  • Reading the following attributes retrieves the corresponding values from the widget's rect.
  • Assigning to them changes the size and position of the widget.
  • Additionally, if the size of the widget is changed via these attributes, the size and position of its subwidgets is updated according to each subwidget's anchor attribute.

    left, right, top, bottom, width, height, size,
    topleft, topright, bottomleft, bottomright,
    midleft, midright, midtop, midbottom,
    center, centerx, centery

This does not happen if the rect is modified directly.

Creates a new widget, initially without any parent. If a rect is given, it specifies the new widget's initial s ize and position relative to its parent.


A PyGame rectangle defining the portion of the parent widget's coordinate system occupied by the

widget. Modifying this rectangle changes the widget's size and position.

Additional attributes specified as key-value pairs
Source code
class Widget(AlbowRect):
    The Widget class is the base class for all widgets. A widget occupies a rectangular area of the PyGame screen
    to which all drawing in it is clipped, and it may receive mouse and keyboard events. A widget may also
    contain subwidgets.

    .. Note::
        Due to a limitation of PyGame subsurfaces, a widget's rectangle must be entirely contained within that of
        its parent widget. An exception will occur if this is violated.

    - Reading the following attributes retrieves the corresponding values from the widget's rect.
    - Assigning to them changes the size and position of the widget.
    - Additionally, if the size of the widget is changed via these
      attributes, the size and position of its subwidgets is updated according to each subwidget's anchor attribute.

        left, right, top, bottom, width, height, size,
        topleft, topright, bottomleft, bottomright,
        midleft, midright, midtop, midbottom,
        center, centerx, centery

    This does not happen if the rect is modified directly.


    lastDebugRectTime = + timedelta(seconds=4)
    debug_rect = False

    current_cursor = None
    root_widget = None

    font = FontProperty('font')
    Font to use for drawing text in the widget. How this property is used depends on the widget. Some widgets have 
    additional font properties for specific parts of the widget.
    fg_color = ThemeProperty('fg_color')
    Foreground colour for the contents of the widget. How this property is used depends on the widget. Some widgets 
    have additional colour properties for specific parts of the widget.
    bg_color = ThemeProperty('bg_color')
    Background colour of the widget. If specified, the widget's rect is filled with this colour before drawing its 
    contents. If no background colour is specified or it is set to None, the widget has no background and is drawn 
    transparently over its parent. For most widgets, it defaults to None.
    bg_image = ThemeProperty('bg_image')
    An image to be displayed in the background. If specified, this overrides any bg_color.
    scale_bg = ThemeProperty('scale_bg')
    If true, and the background image is smaller than the widget in either direction, the background image is scaled 
    to fill the widget, otherwise it is centered. Note: Due to a limitation of the pygame rotozoom function, scaling 
    is currently uniform in both directions, with the scale factor being that required to ensure that the whole 
    widget is covered.
    border_width = ThemeProperty('border_width')
    Width of a border to be drawn inside the outer edge of the widget. If this is unspecified or set to zero, 
    no border is drawn.
    border_color = ThemeProperty('border_color')
    Color in which to draw the border specified by border_width.
    sel_color = ThemeProperty('sel_color')
    margin = ThemeProperty('margin')
    The amount of space to leave between the edge of the widget and its contents. Note that this distance includes the 
    border_width, e.g. if border_width == 1 and margin == 3, then there is 2 pixels of space between the inside of 
    the border and the contents.

    Most of the predefined Albow widgets honour the margin property, but this is not automatic for your own widget 
    subclasses. You may find the get_margin_rect() method helpful in implementing support for the margin property 
    in your widget classes.

    menu_bar = overridable_property('menu_bar')
    A MenuBar to be attached to and managed by this widget. Assigning to the menu_bar property automatically adds the 
    menu bar as a child widget. Also, if the width of the menu bar has not already been set, it is set to be the same 
    width as this widget and to stretch horizontally with it.

    When a key down event with the platform's standard menu command modifier (Command on Mac, Control on other 
    platforms) is dispatched through this widget, the menu bar is first given a chance to handle the event. If the 
    menu bar does not handle it, dispatching continues as normal.

    is_gl_container: bool = overridable_property('is_gl_container')
    Controls the drawing behaviour of the widget when used in an OpenGL window. When true, 
    - no 2D drawing is performed for the widget itself
    - its background colour and border properties are ignored 
    - its draw() and draw_over() methods are never called. 
    If it has 3D subwidgets, 3D drawing is performed for them.

    When false, the widget and its subwidgets are rendered to a temporary surface which is then drawn to the window 
    using glDrawPixels() with blending. No 3D drawing is performed for any of its subwidgets.

    In either case, input events are handled in the usual way.

    This property has no effect on widgets in a non-OpenGL window.

    tab_stop: bool = False
    True if this widget should receive the keyboard focus when the user presses the Tab key. Defaults to false.
    enter_response = None
    cancel_response = None
    _menubar = None
    _visible = True
    _is_gl_container = False
    redraw_every_event = True
    resizing_axes = {'h': 'lr', 'v': 'tb'}
    resizing_values = {'': [0], 'm': [1], 's': [0, 1]}

    visible = overridable_property('visible')
    When true, the widget is visible and active. When false, the widget is invisible and will not receive events. 
    Defaults to true. The behaviour of this property can be customized by overriding the get_visible method.
    parent = None
    Read-only. The widget having this widget as a subwidget, or None if the widget is not contained in another 
    widget. A widget must ultimately be contained in the root widget in order to be drawn and to receive events.
    focus_switch: "Widget" = None
    subwidget to receive key events

    def __init__(self, rect: Rect = None, **kwds):
        Creates a new widget, initially without any parent. If a rect is given, it specifies the new widget's initial s
        ize and position relative to its parent.

            rect:   A PyGame rectangle defining the portion of the parent widget's coordinate system occupied by the
             widget. Modifying this rectangle changes the widget's size and position.

            **kwds: Additional attributes specified as key-value pairs

        self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

        # self.predictor = albow.core.ui.Predictor.Predictor(self)
        # """Helps the widget look up attributes"""

        self.is_modal = False
        self.modal_result = None


    def set(self, **kwds):
        # for name, value in kwds.iteritems():  -- update for python 3 -- hasii
        for name, value in kwds.items():
            if not hasattr(self, name):
                raise TypeError("Unexpected keyword argument '%s'" % name)
            setattr(self, name, value)

    def add_anchor(self, mode: str):
        Adds the options specified by mode to the anchor property.

            mode:  The new anchor mode to add

        self.anchor = "".join(set(self.anchor) | set(mode))

    def remove_anchor(self, mode: str):
         Remove the options specified by mode from anchor property.

            mode: The anchor mode to remove

        self.anchor = "".join(set(self.anchor) - set(mode))

    def set_resizing(self, axis, value):
        chars = self.resizing_axes[axis]
        anchor = self.anchor
        for c in chars:
            anchor = anchor.replace(c, '')
        for i in self.resizing_values[value]:
            anchor += chars[i]
        self.anchor = anchor + value

    def add(self, arg: 'Widget'):     # Python 3 forward reference;
        Adds the given widget or sequence of widgets as a subwidget of this widget.

            arg:  May be a single widget or multiple

        if arg:

            self.logger.debug(f"arg: '{arg.__str__()}' is Widget {isinstance(arg, Widget)}")
            # Python 3 hack because 'Label' is sometimes reported as not a 'Widget'
            if isinstance(arg, Widget) or not hasattr(arg, '__iter__'):
                self.logger.debug(f"arg is container: {arg.__str__}")
                for item in arg:

    def add_centered(self, widget):
        Adds the given widget and positions it in the center of this widget.

            widget: The widget to center

        w, h = self.size = w // 2, h // 2

    def remove(self, widget):

        If the given widget is a subwidget of this widget, it is removed and its parent attribute is set to None.

            widget:  The widget to act on
        if widget in self.subwidgets:

    def set_parent(self, parent):
        Changes the parent of this widget to the given widget. This is an alternative to using the add and remove
        methods of the parent widget. Setting the parent to None removes the widget from any parent.


        if parent is not self.parent:
            if self.parent:
            self.parent = parent
            if parent:

    def _add(self, widget):

    def _remove(self, widget):
        if self.focus_switch is widget:
            self.focus_switch = cast(Widget, None)

    def draw_all(self, surface):

        if self.visible:
            surf_rect = surface.get_rect()
            bg_image = self.bg_image
            if bg_image:
                if self.scale_bg:
                    bg_width, bg_height = bg_image.get_size()
                    width, height = self.size
                    if width > bg_width or height > bg_height:
                        hscale = width / bg_width
                        vscale = height / bg_height
                        bg_image = rotozoom(bg_image, 0.0, max(hscale, vscale))
                r = bg_image.get_rect()
                surface.blit(bg_image, r)
                bg = self.bg_color
                if bg:
            bw = self.border_width
            if bw:
                bc = self.border_color or self.fg_color
                frame_rect(surface, bc, surf_rect, bw)
            for widget in self.subwidgets:
                sub_rect = widget.rect

                self.debugSubWidgetDraws(sub_rect, widget)

                sub_rect = surf_rect.clip(sub_rect)
                if sub_rect.width > 0 and sub_rect.height > 0:
                        sub = surface.subsurface(sub_rect)
                    except ValueError as e:
                        if str(e) == "subsurface rectangle outside surface area":
                            self.diagnose_subsurface_problem(surface, widget)

    def debugSubWidgetDraws(self, sub_rect, widget):

        if Widget.debug_rect:
            currentTime =
            if currentTime >= Widget.lastDebugRectTime:

      "Drawing subwidget '{widget}' of '{self} with rect '{sub_rect}'")

                Widget.lastDebugRectTime = currentTime + timedelta(seconds=4)

    def diagnose_subsurface_problem(self, surface, widget):
        mess = "Widget %s %s outside parent surface %s %s" % (
            widget, widget.rect, self, surface.get_rect())
        sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % mess)
        surface.fill((255, 0, 0), widget.rect)

    def find_widget(self, pos: tuple):

        for widget in self.subwidgets[::-1]:
            if widget.visible:
                r = widget.rect

                if isinstance(pos, map):
                    pos = list(pos)
                if r.collidepoint(pos[0], pos[1]):
                    return widget.find_widget(subtract(pos, r.topleft))
        return self

    def handle_mouse(self, name, event):

        self.call_handler(name, event)

    def augment_mouse_event(self, event):
            event:   The event to augment

        posMap = self.global_to_local(event.pos)
        event.dict['local'] = list(posMap)

    def setup_cursor(self, event):

        cursor = self.get_cursor(event) or arrow_cursor
        if cursor is not Widget.current_cursor:
            Widget.current_cursor = cursor

    def dispatch_key(self, name, event):
        if self.visible:
            if event.cmd and event.type == KEYDOWN:
                menubar = self._menubar
                if menubar and menubar.handle_command_key(event):
            widget = self.focus_switch
            if widget:
                widget.dispatch_key(name, event)
                self.call_handler(name, event)
            self.call_parent_handler(name, event)

    def handle_event(self, name, event):
        handler = getattr(self, name, None)
        if handler:
            return handler(event)
            parent = self.next_handler()
            if parent:
                return parent.handle_event(name, event)

    def get_focus(self):
        If this widget or one of its subwidgets has the keyboard focus, returns that widget. Otherwise it returns
        the widget that would have the keyboard focus if this widget were on the focus path.

        Returns:  A widget with the focus
        widget = self
        while 1:
            focus = widget.focus_switch
            if not focus:
            widget = focus
        return widget

    def notify_attention_loss(self):
        widget = self
        while 1:
            if widget.is_modal:
            parent = widget.parent
            if not parent:
            focus = parent.focus_switch
            if focus and focus is not widget:
            widget = parent

    def dispatch_attention_loss(self):
        widget = self
        while widget:
            widget = widget.focus_switch

    def handle_command(self, name, *args):
        method = getattr(self, name, None)
        if method:
            return method(*args)
            parent = self.next_handler()
            if parent:
                return parent.handle_command(name, *args)

    def next_handler(self):
        if not self.is_modal:
            return self.parent

    def call_handler(self, name, *args):
        If the widget has a method with the given name, it is called with the given arguments, and its return value is
        is returned. Otherwise, nothing is done and 'pass' is returned.

            name:  The method name
            *args: The arguments to use

        Returns:  The value of the 'called' method
        method = getattr(self, name, None)
        if method:
            return method(*args)
            return 'pass'

    def call_parent_handler(self, name, *args):
        Invokes call_handler on the parent of this widget, if any. This can be used to pass an event on to a
        parent widget if you don't want to handle it.

            name:   The method name
            *args:  Its arguments

        Returns:  The value of the 'called' methood

        parent = self.next_handler()
        if parent:
            parent.call_handler(name, *args)

    def is_inside(self, container):
        widget = self
        while widget:
            if widget is container:
                return True
            widget = widget.parent
        return False

    def present(self, centered: bool = True):

        Presents the widget as a modal dialog. The widget is added as a subwidget of the root widget, centered
        within it if centered is true. A nested event loop is entered in which any events for widgets other
        than this widget and its subwidgets are ignored. Control is retained until this widget's dismiss
        method is called. The argument to dismiss is returned from the present call.

            centered:  Indicates whether or not to center;  default is True

        Returns:  The value returned from the modal widget


        root = self.get_root()
        if centered:

        self.logger.debug("Widget.present: returning.  Result: %s", self.modal_result)
        return self.modal_result

    def dismiss(self, value=True):
        When the presented widget presented is modal using present() causes the modal event loop to exit and
        the present() call to return with the given result.

            value:  The value to set in modal_result


        self.modal_result = value

    def get_root(self):
        Returns the root widget (whether this widget is contained within it or not).

            Deprecated, use RootWidget.getRoot()

        Returns:  The root widget

        return Widget.root_widget

    def get_top_widget(self) -> "Widget":
        Returns the highest widget in the containment hierarchy currently receiving input events. If a modal
        dialog is in progress, the modal dialog widget is the top widget, otherwise it is the root widget.

        Returns:  The top level widget in a containment hierarchy

        top = self
        while top.parent and not top.is_modal:
            top = top.parent
        return top

    def focus(self):
        Gives this widget the keyboard focus. The widget must be visible (i.e. contained within the root
        widget) for this to have any affect.
        parent = self.next_handler()
        if parent:

    def focus_on(self, subwidget):
        old_focus = self.focus_switch
        if old_focus is not subwidget:
            if old_focus:
            self.focus_switch = subwidget

    def has_focus(self):

        Returns:    True if the widget is on the focus path, i.e. this widget or one of its subwidgets currently\
        has the keyboard focus.
        return self.is_modal or (self.parent and self.parent.focused_on(self))

    def focused_on(self, widget):
        return self.focus_switch is widget and self.has_focus()

    def focus_chain(self):
        result = []
        widget = self
        while widget:
            widget = widget.focus_switch
        return result

    def shrink_wrap(self):
        contents = self.subwidgets
        if contents:
            rects = [widget.rect for widget in contents]
            # rmax = Rect.unionall(rects) # broken in PyGame 1.7.1
            rmax = rects.pop()
            for r in rects:
                rmax = rmax.union(r)
            self._rect.size = list(add(rmax.topleft, rmax.bottomright))

    def invalidate(self):
        Marks the widget as needing to be redrawn. You will need to call this from the begin_frame() method of your
        Shell or Screen if you have the redraw_every_frame attribute of the root widget set to False.

        NOTE: Currently, calling this method on any widget will cause all widgets to be redrawn on the next return
        to the event loop. Future versions may be more selective.

        root = self.get_root()
        if root:
            root.do_draw = True

    def predict(self, kwds, name):
            return kwds[name]
        except KeyError:
            return Theme.getThemeRoot().get(self.__class__, name)

    def predict_attr(self, kwds, name):
            return kwds[name]
        except KeyError:
            return getattr(self, name)

    def init_attr(self, kwds, name):
            return kwds.pop(name)
        except KeyError:
            return getattr(self, name)

    def predict_font(self, kwds, name='font'):
        return kwds.get(name) or Theme.getThemeRoot().get_font(self.__class__, name)

    def get_margin_rect(self) -> Rect:
        Returns a Rect in local coordinates representing the content area of the widget, as determined
        by its margin property.

        Returns: The rect of the content area

        r = Rect((0, 0), self.size)
        d = -2 * self.margin
        r.inflate_ip(d, d)
        return r

    def set_size_for_text(self, width, nLines=1):
        Sets the widget's Rect to a suitable size for displaying text of the specified width and number of lines in
        its current font, as determined by the font property. The width can be either a number of pixels or a
        piece of sample text.

            width:  The number of pixels or some sample text

            nLines: The number of lines in the text;  Defaults to 1
        if width is not None:
            font = self.font
            d = 2 * self.margin
            # Python 3 update
            # if isinstance(width, basestring):
            if isinstance(width, str):
                width, height = font.size(width)
                width += d + 2
                height = font.size("X")[1]
            self.size = (width, height * nLines + d)

    def tab_to_first(self):
        chain = self.get_tab_order()
        if chain:

    def tab_to_next(self):
        top = self.get_top_widget()
        chain = top.get_tab_order()
            i = chain.index(self)
        except ValueError:
        target = chain[(i + 1) % len(chain)]

    def get_tab_order(self):
        result = []
        return result

    def collect_tab_order(self, result):
        if self.visible:
            if self.tab_stop:
            for child in self.subwidgets:

    def inherited(self, attributeName: str):
        Looks up the parent hierarchy to find the first widget that has an attribute with the given name, and
        returns its value. If not found, returns None.

            attributeName:  The name of the attribute

        Returns: The attribute's value or None if not found

        value = getattr(self, attributeName)

        if value is not None:
            return value
            parent = self.next_handler()
            if parent:
                return parent.inherited(attributeName)

    def get_mouse(self):
        root = self.get_root()
        return root.get_mouse_for(self)

    def get_menu_bar(self):
        return self._menubar

    def set_menu_bar(self, menubar):
        if menubar is not self._menubar:
            if self._menubar:
            self._menubar = menubar
            if menubar:
                if menubar.width == 0:
                    menubar.width = self.width
                    menubar.anchor = 'lr'

    def get_is_gl_container(self):
        return self._is_gl_container

    def set_is_gl_container(self, x):
        self._is_gl_container = x

    def gl_draw_all(self, gl_surface):

        if self.visible:
            if self.is_gl_container:
                for subwidget in self.subwidgets:
                    gl_subsurface = gl_surface.subsurface(subwidget.rect)
                surface = Surface(self.size, SRCALPHA)

    def gl_draw_self(self, gl_surface):

        # TODO: draw background and border here

    def defer_drawing(self):
        Called every time around the event loop on the root widget or a
        widget that is modal. If it returns true, the frame timer runs,
        scheduled calls are made, and screen updates are performed once per
        frame. Otherwise the screen is updated after each mouse down, mouser
        up or keyboard event and scheduled calls are not made.
        return False

    def relative_mode(self):
        Return true if relative input mode should be used. Called each
        time around the event loop on the root widget or a widget that is

        In relative input mode, the mouse cursor is hidden and mouse
        movements are not constrained to the edges of the window. In this
        mode, mouse movement events are delivered to the widget having the
        keyboard focus by calling the 'mouse_delta' method. The 'rel'
        attribute of the event should be used to obtain the movement since
        the last mouse event. Mouse down and mouse up events are also
        delivered to the focus widget, using the usual methods.

        The user can always escape from relative mode temporarily by
        pressing Ctrl-Shift-Escape. Normal mouse functionality is restored
        and further input events are ignored until a mouse click or key
        press occurs.
        return False

    def __contains__(self, event: Event):

        r = Rect(self._rect)
        r.left = 0 = 0

        answer: bool = False
            p = self.global_to_local(event.pos)
            pList = list(p)
            answer = r.collidepoint(pList[0], pList[1])
        except AttributeError as ae:

        return answer
    #   Abstract methods follow

    def draw(self, surface: Surface):
        Called whenever the widget's contents need to be drawn. The surface is a subsurface the same size as the
        widget's rect with the drawing origin at its top left corner.

        The widget is filled with its background colour, if any, before this method is called. The border and
        subwidgets, if any, are drawn after this method returns.

            surface:  The pygame surface to draw on

    def draw_over(self, surface: Surface):
        Called after drawing all the subwidgets of this widget. This method can be used to draw content that is
        to appear on top of any subwidgets.

            surface:  The pygame surface to draw on

    def key_down(self, theKeyEvent: Event):
        Called when a key press event occurs and this widget has the keyboard focus, or a subwidget has the
        focus but did not handle the event.

        NOTE: If you override this method and don't want to handle a key_down event, be sure to call the inherited
        key_down() method to pass the event to the parent widget.

            theKeyEvent: The key event
        k = theKeyEvent.key
        self.logger.debug("Widget.key_down: %s", k)

        if k == K_RETURN or k == K_KP_ENTER:
            if self.enter_response is not None:
        elif k == K_ESCAPE:
            if self.cancel_response is not None:
        elif k == K_TAB:
        self.call_parent_handler('key_down', theKeyEvent)

    def key_up(self, theKeyEvent: Event):
        Called when a key release event occurs and this widget has the keyboard focus.

            - If you override this method and don't want to handle a key_up event
            - be sure to call the inherited key_up() method to pass the event to the parent widget.

            theKeyEvent:  The key event

        self.call_parent_handler('key_up', theKeyEvent)

    def get_cursor(self, event):
        Called to determine the appropriate cursor to display over the widget.
        The ResourceUtility.get_cursor() function returns a suitable tuple.

            event:  An event object containing the mouse coordinates to be used in determining the cursor.

        Returns: A cursor in the form of a tuple of arguments to the PyGame set_cursor() function

        self.logger.debug(f"event {event}")
        return arrow_cursor

    def attention_lost(self):
        Called when the widget is on the focus path, and a mouse-down event occurs in any widget which is not on
        the focus path. The focus path is defined as the widget having the keyboard focus, plus any widgets on the
        path from there up the parent hierarchy to the root widget. This method can be useful to ensure that changes
        to a data structure being edited are committed before performing some other action.


    def get_visible(self):
        Called to determine the value of the visible property. By overriding this, you can make the visibility of the
        widget dependent on some external condition.

        Returns: The widget visibility state

        return self._visible

    def set_visible(self, x):
        self._visible = x



Class variables

var bg_color

Background colour of the widget. If specified, the widget's rect is filled with this colour before drawing its contents. If no background colour is specified or it is set to None, the widget has no background and is drawn transparently over its parent. For most widgets, it defaults to None.

var bg_image

An image to be displayed in the background. If specified, this overrides any bg_color.

var border_color

Color in which to draw the border specified by border_width.

var border_width

Width of a border to be drawn inside the outer edge of the widget. If this is unspecified or set to zero, no border is drawn.

var cancel_response
var current_cursor
var debug_rect
var enter_response
var fg_color

Foreground colour for the contents of the widget. How this property is used depends on the widget. Some widgets have additional colour properties for specific parts of the widget.

var focus_switch

subwidget to receive key events

var font

Font to use for drawing text in the widget. How this property is used depends on the widget. Some widgets have additional font properties for specific parts of the widget.

var is_gl_container

Controls the drawing behaviour of the widget when used in an OpenGL window. When true,

  • no 2D drawing is performed for the widget itself
  • its background colour and border properties are ignored
  • its draw() and draw_over() methods are never called.

If it has 3D subwidgets, 3D drawing is performed for them.

When false, the widget and its subwidgets are rendered to a temporary surface which is then drawn to the window using glDrawPixels() with blending. No 3D drawing is performed for any of its subwidgets.

In either case, input events are handled in the usual way.

This property has no effect on widgets in a non-OpenGL window.

var lastDebugRectTime
var margin

The amount of space to leave between the edge of the widget and its contents. Note that this distance includes the border_width, e.g. if border_width == 1 and margin == 3, then there is 2 pixels of space between the inside of the border and the contents.

Most of the predefined Albow widgets honour the margin property, but this is not automatic for your own widget subclasses. You may find the get_margin_rect() method helpful in implementing support for the margin property in your widget classes.

var menu_bar

A MenuBar to be attached to and managed by this widget. Assigning to the menu_bar property automatically adds the menu bar as a child widget. Also, if the width of the menu bar has not already been set, it is set to be the same width as this widget and to stretch horizontally with it.

When a key down event with the platform's standard menu command modifier (Command on Mac, Control on other platforms) is dispatched through this widget, the menu bar is first given a chance to handle the event. If the menu bar does not handle it, dispatching continues as normal.

var parent

Read-only. The widget having this widget as a subwidget, or None if the widget is not contained in another widget. A widget must ultimately be contained in the root widget in order to be drawn and to receive events.

var redraw_every_event
var resizing_axes
var resizing_values
var root_widget
var scale_bg

If true, and the background image is smaller than the widget in either direction, the background image is scaled to fill the widget, otherwise it is centered. Note: Due to a limitation of the pygame rotozoom function, scaling is currently uniform in both directions, with the scale factor being that required to ensure that the whole widget is covered.

var tab_stop

True if this widget should receive the keyboard focus when the user presses the Tab key. Defaults to false.

var visible

When true, the widget is visible and active. When false, the widget is invisible and will not receive events. Defaults to true. The behaviour of this property can be customized by overriding the get_visible method.

Instance variables

var sel_color

The ThemeProperty class is a property descriptor used for defining theme properties.


    class Battlefield(Widget):

    phaser_color = ThemeProperty('phaser_color')


def add(self, arg)

Adds the given widget or sequence of widgets as a subwidget of this widget.


May be a single widget or multiple
Source code
def add(self, arg: 'Widget'):     # Python 3 forward reference;
    Adds the given widget or sequence of widgets as a subwidget of this widget.

        arg:  May be a single widget or multiple

    if arg:

        self.logger.debug(f"arg: '{arg.__str__()}' is Widget {isinstance(arg, Widget)}")
        # Python 3 hack because 'Label' is sometimes reported as not a 'Widget'
        if isinstance(arg, Widget) or not hasattr(arg, '__iter__'):
            self.logger.debug(f"arg is container: {arg.__str__}")
            for item in arg:
def add_anchor(self, mode)

Adds the options specified by mode to the anchor property.


The new anchor mode to add


Source code
def add_anchor(self, mode: str):
    Adds the options specified by mode to the anchor property.

        mode:  The new anchor mode to add

    self.anchor = "".join(set(self.anchor) | set(mode))
def add_centered(self, widget)

Adds the given widget and positions it in the center of this widget.


The widget to center
Source code
def add_centered(self, widget):
    Adds the given widget and positions it in the center of this widget.

        widget: The widget to center

    w, h = self.size = w // 2, h // 2
def attention_lost(self)

Called when the widget is on the focus path, and a mouse-down event occurs in any widget which is not on the focus path. The focus path is defined as the widget having the keyboard focus, plus any widgets on the path from there up the parent hierarchy to the root widget. This method can be useful to ensure that changes to a data structure being edited are committed before performing some other action.

Source code
def attention_lost(self):
    Called when the widget is on the focus path, and a mouse-down event occurs in any widget which is not on
    the focus path. The focus path is defined as the widget having the keyboard focus, plus any widgets on the
    path from there up the parent hierarchy to the root widget. This method can be useful to ensure that changes
    to a data structure being edited are committed before performing some other action.

def augment_mouse_event(self, event)


The event to augment
Source code
def augment_mouse_event(self, event):
        event:   The event to augment

    posMap = self.global_to_local(event.pos)
    event.dict['local'] = list(posMap)
def call_handler(self, name, *args)

If the widget has a method with the given name, it is called with the given arguments, and its return value is is returned. Otherwise, nothing is done and 'pass' is returned.


The method name
The arguments to use
Returns :  The value of the 'called' method
Source code
def call_handler(self, name, *args):
    If the widget has a method with the given name, it is called with the given arguments, and its return value is
    is returned. Otherwise, nothing is done and 'pass' is returned.

        name:  The method name
        *args: The arguments to use

    Returns:  The value of the 'called' method
    method = getattr(self, name, None)
    if method:
        return method(*args)
        return 'pass'
def call_parent_handler(self, name, *args)

Invokes call_handler on the parent of this widget, if any. This can be used to pass an event on to a parent widget if you don't want to handle it.


The method name
Its arguments
Returns :  The value of the 'called' methood
Source code
def call_parent_handler(self, name, *args):
    Invokes call_handler on the parent of this widget, if any. This can be used to pass an event on to a
    parent widget if you don't want to handle it.

        name:   The method name
        *args:  Its arguments

    Returns:  The value of the 'called' methood

    parent = self.next_handler()
    if parent:
        parent.call_handler(name, *args)
def collect_tab_order(self, result)
Source code
def collect_tab_order(self, result):
    if self.visible:
        if self.tab_stop:
        for child in self.subwidgets:
def debugSubWidgetDraws(self, sub_rect, widget)
Source code
def debugSubWidgetDraws(self, sub_rect, widget):

    if Widget.debug_rect:
        currentTime =
        if currentTime >= Widget.lastDebugRectTime:

  "Drawing subwidget '{widget}' of '{self} with rect '{sub_rect}'")

            Widget.lastDebugRectTime = currentTime + timedelta(seconds=4)
def defer_drawing(self)

Called every time around the event loop on the root widget or a widget that is modal. If it returns true, the frame timer runs, scheduled calls are made, and screen updates are performed once per frame. Otherwise the screen is updated after each mouse down, mouser up or keyboard event and scheduled calls are not made.

Source code
def defer_drawing(self):
    Called every time around the event loop on the root widget or a
    widget that is modal. If it returns true, the frame timer runs,
    scheduled calls are made, and screen updates are performed once per
    frame. Otherwise the screen is updated after each mouse down, mouser
    up or keyboard event and scheduled calls are not made.
    return False
def diagnose_subsurface_problem(self, surface, widget)
Source code
def diagnose_subsurface_problem(self, surface, widget):
    mess = "Widget %s %s outside parent surface %s %s" % (
        widget, widget.rect, self, surface.get_rect())
    sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % mess)
    surface.fill((255, 0, 0), widget.rect)
def dismiss(self, value=True)

When the presented widget presented is modal using present() causes the modal event loop to exit and the present() call to return with the given result.


The value to set in modal_result


Source code
def dismiss(self, value=True):
    When the presented widget presented is modal using present() causes the modal event loop to exit and
    the present() call to return with the given result.

        value:  The value to set in modal_result


    self.modal_result = value
def dispatch_attention_loss(self)
Source code
def dispatch_attention_loss(self):
    widget = self
    while widget:
        widget = widget.focus_switch
def dispatch_key(self, name, event)
Source code
def dispatch_key(self, name, event):
    if self.visible:
        if event.cmd and event.type == KEYDOWN:
            menubar = self._menubar
            if menubar and menubar.handle_command_key(event):
        widget = self.focus_switch
        if widget:
            widget.dispatch_key(name, event)
            self.call_handler(name, event)
        self.call_parent_handler(name, event)
def draw(self, surface)

Called whenever the widget's contents need to be drawn. The surface is a subsurface the same size as the widget's rect with the drawing origin at its top left corner.

The widget is filled with its background colour, if any, before this method is called. The border and subwidgets, if any, are drawn after this method returns.


The pygame surface to draw on
Source code
def draw(self, surface: Surface):
    Called whenever the widget's contents need to be drawn. The surface is a subsurface the same size as the
    widget's rect with the drawing origin at its top left corner.

    The widget is filled with its background colour, if any, before this method is called. The border and
    subwidgets, if any, are drawn after this method returns.

        surface:  The pygame surface to draw on
def draw_all(self, surface)
Source code
def draw_all(self, surface):

    if self.visible:
        surf_rect = surface.get_rect()
        bg_image = self.bg_image
        if bg_image:
            if self.scale_bg:
                bg_width, bg_height = bg_image.get_size()
                width, height = self.size
                if width > bg_width or height > bg_height:
                    hscale = width / bg_width
                    vscale = height / bg_height
                    bg_image = rotozoom(bg_image, 0.0, max(hscale, vscale))
            r = bg_image.get_rect()
            surface.blit(bg_image, r)
            bg = self.bg_color
            if bg:
        bw = self.border_width
        if bw:
            bc = self.border_color or self.fg_color
            frame_rect(surface, bc, surf_rect, bw)
        for widget in self.subwidgets:
            sub_rect = widget.rect

            self.debugSubWidgetDraws(sub_rect, widget)

            sub_rect = surf_rect.clip(sub_rect)
            if sub_rect.width > 0 and sub_rect.height > 0:
                    sub = surface.subsurface(sub_rect)
                except ValueError as e:
                    if str(e) == "subsurface rectangle outside surface area":
                        self.diagnose_subsurface_problem(surface, widget)
def draw_over(self, surface)

Called after drawing all the subwidgets of this widget. This method can be used to draw content that is to appear on top of any subwidgets.


The pygame surface to draw on
Source code
def draw_over(self, surface: Surface):
    Called after drawing all the subwidgets of this widget. This method can be used to draw content that is
    to appear on top of any subwidgets.

        surface:  The pygame surface to draw on
def find_widget(self, pos)
Source code
def find_widget(self, pos: tuple):

    for widget in self.subwidgets[::-1]:
        if widget.visible:
            r = widget.rect

            if isinstance(pos, map):
                pos = list(pos)
            if r.collidepoint(pos[0], pos[1]):
                return widget.find_widget(subtract(pos, r.topleft))
    return self
def focus(self)

Gives this widget the keyboard focus. The widget must be visible (i.e. contained within the root widget) for this to have any affect.

Source code
def focus(self):
    Gives this widget the keyboard focus. The widget must be visible (i.e. contained within the root
    widget) for this to have any affect.
    parent = self.next_handler()
    if parent:
def focus_chain(self)
Source code
def focus_chain(self):
    result = []
    widget = self
    while widget:
        widget = widget.focus_switch
    return result
def focus_on(self, subwidget)
Source code
def focus_on(self, subwidget):
    old_focus = self.focus_switch
    if old_focus is not subwidget:
        if old_focus:
        self.focus_switch = subwidget
def focused_on(self, widget)
Source code
def focused_on(self, widget):
    return self.focus_switch is widget and self.has_focus()
def get_cursor(self, event)

Called to determine the appropriate cursor to display over the widget. The ResourceUtility.get_cursor() function returns a suitable tuple.


An event object containing the mouse coordinates to be used in determining the cursor.
Returns : A cursor in the form of a tuple of arguments to the PyGame set_cursor() function
Source code
def get_cursor(self, event):
    Called to determine the appropriate cursor to display over the widget.
    The ResourceUtility.get_cursor() function returns a suitable tuple.

        event:  An event object containing the mouse coordinates to be used in determining the cursor.

    Returns: A cursor in the form of a tuple of arguments to the PyGame set_cursor() function

    self.logger.debug(f"event {event}")
    return arrow_cursor
def get_focus(self)

If this widget or one of its subwidgets has the keyboard focus, returns that widget. Otherwise it returns the widget that would have the keyboard focus if this widget were on the focus path.

Returns: A widget with the focus

Source code
def get_focus(self):
    If this widget or one of its subwidgets has the keyboard focus, returns that widget. Otherwise it returns
    the widget that would have the keyboard focus if this widget were on the focus path.

    Returns:  A widget with the focus
    widget = self
    while 1:
        focus = widget.focus_switch
        if not focus:
        widget = focus
    return widget
def get_is_gl_container(self)
Source code
def get_is_gl_container(self):
    return self._is_gl_container
def get_margin_rect(self)

Returns a Rect in local coordinates representing the content area of the widget, as determined by its margin property.

Returns: The rect of the content area

Source code
def get_margin_rect(self) -> Rect:
    Returns a Rect in local coordinates representing the content area of the widget, as determined
    by its margin property.

    Returns: The rect of the content area

    r = Rect((0, 0), self.size)
    d = -2 * self.margin
    r.inflate_ip(d, d)
    return r
def get_menu_bar(self)
Source code
def get_menu_bar(self):
    return self._menubar
def get_mouse(self)
Source code
def get_mouse(self):
    root = self.get_root()
    return root.get_mouse_for(self)
def get_root(self)

Returns the root widget (whether this widget is contained within it or not).

Deprecated, use RootWidget.getRoot()

Returns: The root widget

Source code
def get_root(self):
    Returns the root widget (whether this widget is contained within it or not).

        Deprecated, use RootWidget.getRoot()

    Returns:  The root widget

    return Widget.root_widget
def get_tab_order(self)
Source code
def get_tab_order(self):
    result = []
    return result
def get_top_widget(self)

Returns the highest widget in the containment hierarchy currently receiving input events. If a modal dialog is in progress, the modal dialog widget is the top widget, otherwise it is the root widget.

Returns: The top level widget in a containment hierarchy

Source code
def get_top_widget(self) -> "Widget":
    Returns the highest widget in the containment hierarchy currently receiving input events. If a modal
    dialog is in progress, the modal dialog widget is the top widget, otherwise it is the root widget.

    Returns:  The top level widget in a containment hierarchy

    top = self
    while top.parent and not top.is_modal:
        top = top.parent
    return top
def get_visible(self)

Called to determine the value of the visible property. By overriding this, you can make the visibility of the widget dependent on some external condition.

Returns: The widget visibility state

Source code
def get_visible(self):
    Called to determine the value of the visible property. By overriding this, you can make the visibility of the
    widget dependent on some external condition.

    Returns: The widget visibility state

    return self._visible
def gl_draw_all(self, gl_surface)
Source code
def gl_draw_all(self, gl_surface):

    if self.visible:
        if self.is_gl_container:
            for subwidget in self.subwidgets:
                gl_subsurface = gl_surface.subsurface(subwidget.rect)
            surface = Surface(self.size, SRCALPHA)
def gl_draw_self(self, gl_surface)
Source code
def gl_draw_self(self, gl_surface):

    # TODO: draw background and border here
def handle_command(self, name, *args)
Source code
def handle_command(self, name, *args):
    method = getattr(self, name, None)
    if method:
        return method(*args)
        parent = self.next_handler()
        if parent:
            return parent.handle_command(name, *args)
def handle_event(self, name, event)
Source code
def handle_event(self, name, event):
    handler = getattr(self, name, None)
    if handler:
        return handler(event)
        parent = self.next_handler()
        if parent:
            return parent.handle_event(name, event)
def handle_mouse(self, name, event)
Source code
def handle_mouse(self, name, event):

    self.call_handler(name, event)
def has_focus(self)

Returns: True if the widget is on the focus path, i.e. this widget or one of its subwidgets currently has the keyboard focus.

Source code
def has_focus(self):

    Returns:    True if the widget is on the focus path, i.e. this widget or one of its subwidgets currently\
    has the keyboard focus.
    return self.is_modal or (self.parent and self.parent.focused_on(self))
def inherited(self, attributeName)

Looks up the parent hierarchy to find the first widget that has an attribute with the given name, and returns its value. If not found, returns None.


The name of the attribute
Returns : The attribute's value or None if not found
Source code
def inherited(self, attributeName: str):
    Looks up the parent hierarchy to find the first widget that has an attribute with the given name, and
    returns its value. If not found, returns None.

        attributeName:  The name of the attribute

    Returns: The attribute's value or None if not found

    value = getattr(self, attributeName)

    if value is not None:
        return value
        parent = self.next_handler()
        if parent:
            return parent.inherited(attributeName)
def init_attr(self, kwds, name)
Source code
def init_attr(self, kwds, name):
        return kwds.pop(name)
    except KeyError:
        return getattr(self, name)
def invalidate(self)

Marks the widget as needing to be redrawn. You will need to call this from the begin_frame() method of your Shell or Screen if you have the redraw_every_frame attribute of the root widget set to False.

NOTE: Currently, calling this method on any widget will cause all widgets to be redrawn on the next return to the event loop. Future versions may be more selective.

Source code
def invalidate(self):
    Marks the widget as needing to be redrawn. You will need to call this from the begin_frame() method of your
    Shell or Screen if you have the redraw_every_frame attribute of the root widget set to False.

    NOTE: Currently, calling this method on any widget will cause all widgets to be redrawn on the next return
    to the event loop. Future versions may be more selective.

    root = self.get_root()
    if root:
        root.do_draw = True
def is_inside(self, container)
Source code
def is_inside(self, container):
    widget = self
    while widget:
        if widget is container:
            return True
        widget = widget.parent
    return False
def key_down(self, theKeyEvent)

Called when a key press event occurs and this widget has the keyboard focus, or a subwidget has the focus but did not handle the event.

NOTE: If you override this method and don't want to handle a key_down event, be sure to call the inherited key_down() method to pass the event to the parent widget.


The key event
Source code
def key_down(self, theKeyEvent: Event):
    Called when a key press event occurs and this widget has the keyboard focus, or a subwidget has the
    focus but did not handle the event.

    NOTE: If you override this method and don't want to handle a key_down event, be sure to call the inherited
    key_down() method to pass the event to the parent widget.

        theKeyEvent: The key event
    k = theKeyEvent.key
    self.logger.debug("Widget.key_down: %s", k)

    if k == K_RETURN or k == K_KP_ENTER:
        if self.enter_response is not None:
    elif k == K_ESCAPE:
        if self.cancel_response is not None:
    elif k == K_TAB:
    self.call_parent_handler('key_down', theKeyEvent)
def key_up(self, theKeyEvent)

Called when a key release event occurs and this widget has the keyboard focus.


  • If you override this method and don't want to handle a key_up event
  • be sure to call the inherited key_up() method to pass the event to the parent widget.


The key event
Source code
def key_up(self, theKeyEvent: Event):
    Called when a key release event occurs and this widget has the keyboard focus.

        - If you override this method and don't want to handle a key_up event
        - be sure to call the inherited key_up() method to pass the event to the parent widget.

        theKeyEvent:  The key event

    self.call_parent_handler('key_up', theKeyEvent)
def next_handler(self)
Source code
def next_handler(self):
    if not self.is_modal:
        return self.parent
def notify_attention_loss(self)
Source code
def notify_attention_loss(self):
    widget = self
    while 1:
        if widget.is_modal:
        parent = widget.parent
        if not parent:
        focus = parent.focus_switch
        if focus and focus is not widget:
        widget = parent
def predict(self, kwds, name)
Source code
def predict(self, kwds, name):
        return kwds[name]
    except KeyError:
        return Theme.getThemeRoot().get(self.__class__, name)
def predict_attr(self, kwds, name)
Source code
def predict_attr(self, kwds, name):
        return kwds[name]
    except KeyError:
        return getattr(self, name)
def predict_font(self, kwds, name='font')
Source code
def predict_font(self, kwds, name='font'):
    return kwds.get(name) or Theme.getThemeRoot().get_font(self.__class__, name)
def present(self, centered=True)

Presents the widget as a modal dialog. The widget is added as a subwidget of the root widget, centered within it if centered is true. A nested event loop is entered in which any events for widgets other than this widget and its subwidgets are ignored. Control is retained until this widget's dismiss method is called. The argument to dismiss is returned from the present call.


Indicates whether or not to center; default is True
Returns :  The value returned from the modal widget
Source code
def present(self, centered: bool = True):

    Presents the widget as a modal dialog. The widget is added as a subwidget of the root widget, centered
    within it if centered is true. A nested event loop is entered in which any events for widgets other
    than this widget and its subwidgets are ignored. Control is retained until this widget's dismiss
    method is called. The argument to dismiss is returned from the present call.

        centered:  Indicates whether or not to center;  default is True

    Returns:  The value returned from the modal widget


    root = self.get_root()
    if centered: =

    self.logger.debug("Widget.present: returning.  Result: %s", self.modal_result)
    return self.modal_result
def relative_mode(self)

Return true if relative input mode should be used. Called each time around the event loop on the root widget or a widget that is modal.

In relative input mode, the mouse cursor is hidden and mouse movements are not constrained to the edges of the window. In this mode, mouse movement events are delivered to the widget having the keyboard focus by calling the 'mouse_delta' method. The 'rel' attribute of the event should be used to obtain the movement since the last mouse event. Mouse down and mouse up events are also delivered to the focus widget, using the usual methods.

The user can always escape from relative mode temporarily by pressing Ctrl-Shift-Escape. Normal mouse functionality is restored and further input events are ignored until a mouse click or key press occurs.

Source code
def relative_mode(self):
    Return true if relative input mode should be used. Called each
    time around the event loop on the root widget or a widget that is

    In relative input mode, the mouse cursor is hidden and mouse
    movements are not constrained to the edges of the window. In this
    mode, mouse movement events are delivered to the widget having the
    keyboard focus by calling the 'mouse_delta' method. The 'rel'
    attribute of the event should be used to obtain the movement since
    the last mouse event. Mouse down and mouse up events are also
    delivered to the focus widget, using the usual methods.

    The user can always escape from relative mode temporarily by
    pressing Ctrl-Shift-Escape. Normal mouse functionality is restored
    and further input events are ignored until a mouse click or key
    press occurs.
    return False
def remove(self, widget)

If the given widget is a subwidget of this widget, it is removed and its parent attribute is set to None.


The widget to act on
Source code
def remove(self, widget):

    If the given widget is a subwidget of this widget, it is removed and its parent attribute is set to None.

        widget:  The widget to act on
    if widget in self.subwidgets:
def remove_anchor(self, mode)

Remove the options specified by mode from anchor property.


The anchor mode to remove


Source code
def remove_anchor(self, mode: str):
     Remove the options specified by mode from anchor property.

        mode: The anchor mode to remove

    self.anchor = "".join(set(self.anchor) - set(mode))
def set(self, **kwds)
Source code
def set(self, **kwds):
    # for name, value in kwds.iteritems():  -- update for python 3 -- hasii
    for name, value in kwds.items():
        if not hasattr(self, name):
            raise TypeError("Unexpected keyword argument '%s'" % name)
        setattr(self, name, value)
def set_is_gl_container(self, x)
Source code
def set_is_gl_container(self, x):
    self._is_gl_container = x
def set_menu_bar(self, menubar)
Source code
def set_menu_bar(self, menubar):
    if menubar is not self._menubar:
        if self._menubar:
        self._menubar = menubar
        if menubar:
            if menubar.width == 0:
                menubar.width = self.width
                menubar.anchor = 'lr'
def set_parent(self, parent)

Changes the parent of this widget to the given widget. This is an alternative to using the add and remove methods of the parent widget. Setting the parent to None removes the widget from any parent.



Source code
def set_parent(self, parent):
    Changes the parent of this widget to the given widget. This is an alternative to using the add and remove
    methods of the parent widget. Setting the parent to None removes the widget from any parent.


    if parent is not self.parent:
        if self.parent:
        self.parent = parent
        if parent:
def set_resizing(self, axis, value)
Source code
def set_resizing(self, axis, value):
    chars = self.resizing_axes[axis]
    anchor = self.anchor
    for c in chars:
        anchor = anchor.replace(c, '')
    for i in self.resizing_values[value]:
        anchor += chars[i]
    self.anchor = anchor + value
def set_size_for_text(self, width, nLines=1)

Sets the widget's Rect to a suitable size for displaying text of the specified width and number of lines in its current font, as determined by the font property. The width can be either a number of pixels or a piece of sample text.


The number of pixels or some sample text
The number of lines in the text; Defaults to 1
Source code
def set_size_for_text(self, width, nLines=1):
    Sets the widget's Rect to a suitable size for displaying text of the specified width and number of lines in
    its current font, as determined by the font property. The width can be either a number of pixels or a
    piece of sample text.

        width:  The number of pixels or some sample text

        nLines: The number of lines in the text;  Defaults to 1
    if width is not None:
        font = self.font
        d = 2 * self.margin
        # Python 3 update
        # if isinstance(width, basestring):
        if isinstance(width, str):
            width, height = font.size(width)
            width += d + 2
            height = font.size("X")[1]
        self.size = (width, height * nLines + d)
def set_visible(self, x)
Source code
def set_visible(self, x):
    self._visible = x
def setup_cursor(self, event)
Source code
def setup_cursor(self, event):

    cursor = self.get_cursor(event) or arrow_cursor
    if cursor is not Widget.current_cursor:
        Widget.current_cursor = cursor
def shrink_wrap(self)
Source code
def shrink_wrap(self):
    contents = self.subwidgets
    if contents:
        rects = [widget.rect for widget in contents]
        # rmax = Rect.unionall(rects) # broken in PyGame 1.7.1
        rmax = rects.pop()
        for r in rects:
            rmax = rmax.union(r)
        self._rect.size = list(add(rmax.topleft, rmax.bottomright))
def tab_to_first(self)
Source code
def tab_to_first(self):
    chain = self.get_tab_order()
    if chain:
def tab_to_next(self)
Source code
def tab_to_next(self):
    top = self.get_top_widget()
    chain = top.get_tab_order()
        i = chain.index(self)
    except ValueError:
    target = chain[(i + 1) % len(chain)]

Inherited members