Module albow.widgets.TextBox

Source code
from typing import List

import logging

from pygame import Surface
from pygame import Rect
from pygame import draw
from pygame.event import Event

from albow.core.ui.Widget import Widget

from albow.themes.ThemeProperty import ThemeProperty

class TextBox(Widget):
    This is a basic _read-only_ multi-line display widget with support for scrolling.  Currently,
    the API consumer breaks up lines via the `LINE_SEPARATOR` character.  The widget automatically
    displays scroll buttons when the number of lines in `text` exceeds the `numberOfRows`

    The character to use to break up lines in the text widget
    NO_TEXT = ''

    disabled_color = ThemeProperty('disabled_color')
    The color to use when the text box is disabled
    enabled_bg_color = ThemeProperty('enabled_bg_color')
    The enabled background color
    disabled_bg_color = ThemeProperty('disabled_bg_color')
    The disabled background color
    scroll_button_size = ThemeProperty('scroll_button_size')
    Size of the scrolling buttons. This is a number, not a tuple -- the scroll buttons are square.
    scroll_button_color = ThemeProperty('scroll_button_color')
        Color in which to draw the scrolling buttons.
    def __init__(self, theText: str = "", theNumberOfColumns: int = 28, theNumberOfRows: int = 6, **kwds):

            theText:   The text to display in the multi-line widget

            theNumberOfColumns:  The number of columns to display.  One column is one character

            theNumberOfRows:  The number of rows to display.  One text line is one row

            **kwds: Additional key value pairs that affect the text widget

        self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)


        self.margin = 4
        lines: List = []
        if theText is not None:
            lines = theText.strip().split(TextBox.LINE_SEPARATOR)
        self.lines = lines
        """ Saves the broken up lines"""
        self.numberOfColumns = theNumberOfColumns
        """The number of columns in the widget"""
        self.numberOfRows    = theNumberOfRows
        """The number of rows in the widget"""
        self.firstIdx = 0
        """"The index into `lines` as the first line to display"""
        self.lastIdx  = 0
        """The index into `lines` as the last line to display"""
        self.size = self.computeBoxSize(theNumberOfColumns, theNumberOfRows)
        self.logger.debug(f"size: {self.size}")

        self.lastInsertedVisible = True
        """If `True` whenever the developer inserts a new line then the widget scrolls, if necessary to keep it visible"""
        self.firstRow = 0
        """What scroll bars think the first row index is"""
        self._text = theText
        self._lastInsertedVisible = True

        self.debugJustInserted = False

    def getText(self):
        return self._text

    def setText(self, theNewText: str):
        Replace the contents with this new text

            theNewText:  The text that replaces what was in the widget

        lines = theNewText.strip().split(TextBox.LINE_SEPARATOR)
        self.lines = lines
        self.debugJustInserted = True

        self.logger.debug(f"# of lines: {len(self.lines)}")
        self._text = theNewText

    text = property(getText, setText)
    The text to be displayed. This can be changed dynamically

    def getLastInsertedVisible(self):
        return self._lastInsertedVisible

    def setLastInsertedVisible(self, theNewValue: bool):
        self._lastInsertedVisible = theNewValue

    lastInsertedVisible = property(getLastInsertedVisible, setLastInsertedVisible)

    def addText(self, newText: str):
        Different than setText.  This appends the new text to the contents of the widget

            newText:  The new text to append to the text widget

        oldLines: str = self.getText()

        oldLines += f"{newText}{TextBox.LINE_SEPARATOR}"

    def insertText(self, theNewLine):

        oldLines: str = self.getText()
        oldLines = f"{theNewLine}{TextBox.LINE_SEPARATOR}" + oldLines

    def deleteText(self, theLineNumber: int = 0):
        Lines are defined as strings of text separated by `TextBox.LINE_SEPARATOR`
        Can't delete any lines if widget is empty (operation is ignored)
        Can't delete a line that does not exist (operation is ignored)

            theLineNumber:  The line number to delete;  Defaults to the first line (numbered 0)
        if len(self.getText()) > 0:
            oldLines: str       = self.getText()
            splits:   List[str] = oldLines.splitlines(True)
  'splits: {splits}')

            if len(splits) > theLineNumber:
                del splits[theLineNumber]
                newLines: str = ''.join(splits)
      'newLines: {newLines}')


    def clearText(self):
        Empties the text widget
        self.firstIdx = 0
        self.lastIdx  = 0

    def draw(self, theSurface: Surface):

            theSurface:  The surface onto which to draw

        r = theSurface.get_rect()
        b = self.border_width
        if b:
            e = - 2 * b
            r.inflate_ip(e, e)
        theSurface.fill(self.bg_color, r)

        x = self.margin
        y = self.margin

        if self.logger.level == logging.DEBUG:
            if self.debugJustInserted is True:
                self.debugJustInserted = False
                self.logger.debug(f"firstIdx: {self.firstIdx} lastIdx: {self.lastIdx}")

        for idx in range(self.firstIdx, self.lastIdx):

            buf = self.font.render(self.lines[idx], True, self.fg_color)
            theSurface.blit(buf, (x, y))
            y += buf.get_rect().height

        if len(self.lines) > self.numberOfRows:

    def mouse_down(self, theEvent: Event):

        localPosition = theEvent.local

        scrollDownRect: Rect = self.scroll_down_rect()
        scrollUpRect:   Rect = self.scroll_up_rect()

        scrolledDown: bool = scrollDownRect.collidepoint(localPosition[0], localPosition[1])
        scrolledUp: bool = scrollUpRect.collidepoint(localPosition[0], localPosition[1])

        if scrolledDown:
            self.firstIdx += 1
        elif scrolledUp:
            if self.firstIdx != 0:
                self.firstIdx -= 1

        if self.firstRow < 0:
            self.firstIdx = 0
        if self.firstIdx >= len(self.lines) - 1:
            self.firstIdx = len(self.lines) - 1

        # self.firstRow = self.firstIdx
        # self._recomputeTextToDisplayIndices()

        self.logger.debug(f"firstRow: {self.firstRow} -- len(self.lines) {len(self.lines)}")

    def computeBoxSize(self, theNumberOfColumns: int, theNumberOfRows: int) -> tuple:

        width, height = self.font.size(TextBox.CANONICAL_WIDEST_TALLEST_CHARACTER)

        self.logger.debug(f"width: {width}, height: {height}")

        size = (width * theNumberOfColumns, (height * theNumberOfRows) + self.margin)
        self.logger.debug(f"size {size}")

        return size

    def draw_scroll_up_button(self, theSurface: Surface):

        r = self.scroll_up_rect()
        c = self.scroll_button_color
        draw.polygon(theSurface, c, [r.bottomleft, r.midtop, r.bottomright])

    def draw_scroll_down_button(self, theSurface: Surface):

        r = self.scroll_down_rect()
        c = self.scroll_button_color
        draw.polygon(theSurface, c, [r.topleft, r.midbottom, r.topright])

    def scroll_up_rect(self):

        d = self.scroll_button_size
        r = Rect(0, 0, d, d)
        m = self.margin = m
        r.right = self.width - m
        r.inflate_ip(-4, -4)
        return r

    def scroll_down_rect(self):

        d = self.scroll_button_size
        r = Rect(0, 0, d, d)
        m = self.margin
        r.bottom = self.height - m
        r.right = self.width - m
        r.inflate_ip(-4, -4)

        return r

    def _recomputeTextToDisplayIndices(self):

        # self.firstIdx = self.firstRow
        if len(self.lines) < self.numberOfRows:
            self.lastIdx = len(self.lines)
            if self.lastInsertedVisible is True:
                self.lastIdx  = len(self.lines)
                self.firstIdx = self.lastIdx - self.numberOfRows
                self.firstRow = self.firstIdx
                self.lastIdx = self.firstIdx + self.numberOfRows
                if self.lastIdx >= len(self.lines):
                    self.lastIdx = len(self.lines)
        self.logger.debug(f"firstIdx: {self.firstIdx}  lastIdx: {self.lastIdx}")


class TextBox (theText='', theNumberOfColumns=28, theNumberOfRows=6, **kwds)

This is a basic read-only multi-line display widget with support for scrolling. Currently, the API consumer breaks up lines via the LINE_SEPARATOR character. The widget automatically displays scroll buttons when the number of lines in text exceeds the numberOfRows


The text to display in the multi-line widget
The number of columns to display. One column is one character
The number of rows to display. One text line is one row
Additional key value pairs that affect the text widget
Source code
class TextBox(Widget):
    This is a basic _read-only_ multi-line display widget with support for scrolling.  Currently,
    the API consumer breaks up lines via the `LINE_SEPARATOR` character.  The widget automatically
    displays scroll buttons when the number of lines in `text` exceeds the `numberOfRows`

    The character to use to break up lines in the text widget
    NO_TEXT = ''

    disabled_color = ThemeProperty('disabled_color')
    The color to use when the text box is disabled
    enabled_bg_color = ThemeProperty('enabled_bg_color')
    The enabled background color
    disabled_bg_color = ThemeProperty('disabled_bg_color')
    The disabled background color
    scroll_button_size = ThemeProperty('scroll_button_size')
    Size of the scrolling buttons. This is a number, not a tuple -- the scroll buttons are square.
    scroll_button_color = ThemeProperty('scroll_button_color')
        Color in which to draw the scrolling buttons.
    def __init__(self, theText: str = "", theNumberOfColumns: int = 28, theNumberOfRows: int = 6, **kwds):

            theText:   The text to display in the multi-line widget

            theNumberOfColumns:  The number of columns to display.  One column is one character

            theNumberOfRows:  The number of rows to display.  One text line is one row

            **kwds: Additional key value pairs that affect the text widget

        self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)


        self.margin = 4
        lines: List = []
        if theText is not None:
            lines = theText.strip().split(TextBox.LINE_SEPARATOR)
        self.lines = lines
        """ Saves the broken up lines"""
        self.numberOfColumns = theNumberOfColumns
        """The number of columns in the widget"""
        self.numberOfRows    = theNumberOfRows
        """The number of rows in the widget"""
        self.firstIdx = 0
        """"The index into `lines` as the first line to display"""
        self.lastIdx  = 0
        """The index into `lines` as the last line to display"""
        self.size = self.computeBoxSize(theNumberOfColumns, theNumberOfRows)
        self.logger.debug(f"size: {self.size}")

        self.lastInsertedVisible = True
        """If `True` whenever the developer inserts a new line then the widget scrolls, if necessary to keep it visible"""
        self.firstRow = 0
        """What scroll bars think the first row index is"""
        self._text = theText
        self._lastInsertedVisible = True

        self.debugJustInserted = False

    def getText(self):
        return self._text

    def setText(self, theNewText: str):
        Replace the contents with this new text

            theNewText:  The text that replaces what was in the widget

        lines = theNewText.strip().split(TextBox.LINE_SEPARATOR)
        self.lines = lines
        self.debugJustInserted = True

        self.logger.debug(f"# of lines: {len(self.lines)}")
        self._text = theNewText

    text = property(getText, setText)
    The text to be displayed. This can be changed dynamically

    def getLastInsertedVisible(self):
        return self._lastInsertedVisible

    def setLastInsertedVisible(self, theNewValue: bool):
        self._lastInsertedVisible = theNewValue

    lastInsertedVisible = property(getLastInsertedVisible, setLastInsertedVisible)

    def addText(self, newText: str):
        Different than setText.  This appends the new text to the contents of the widget

            newText:  The new text to append to the text widget

        oldLines: str = self.getText()

        oldLines += f"{newText}{TextBox.LINE_SEPARATOR}"

    def insertText(self, theNewLine):

        oldLines: str = self.getText()
        oldLines = f"{theNewLine}{TextBox.LINE_SEPARATOR}" + oldLines

    def deleteText(self, theLineNumber: int = 0):
        Lines are defined as strings of text separated by `TextBox.LINE_SEPARATOR`
        Can't delete any lines if widget is empty (operation is ignored)
        Can't delete a line that does not exist (operation is ignored)

            theLineNumber:  The line number to delete;  Defaults to the first line (numbered 0)
        if len(self.getText()) > 0:
            oldLines: str       = self.getText()
            splits:   List[str] = oldLines.splitlines(True)
  'splits: {splits}')

            if len(splits) > theLineNumber:
                del splits[theLineNumber]
                newLines: str = ''.join(splits)
      'newLines: {newLines}')


    def clearText(self):
        Empties the text widget
        self.firstIdx = 0
        self.lastIdx  = 0

    def draw(self, theSurface: Surface):

            theSurface:  The surface onto which to draw

        r = theSurface.get_rect()
        b = self.border_width
        if b:
            e = - 2 * b
            r.inflate_ip(e, e)
        theSurface.fill(self.bg_color, r)

        x = self.margin
        y = self.margin

        if self.logger.level == logging.DEBUG:
            if self.debugJustInserted is True:
                self.debugJustInserted = False
                self.logger.debug(f"firstIdx: {self.firstIdx} lastIdx: {self.lastIdx}")

        for idx in range(self.firstIdx, self.lastIdx):

            buf = self.font.render(self.lines[idx], True, self.fg_color)
            theSurface.blit(buf, (x, y))
            y += buf.get_rect().height

        if len(self.lines) > self.numberOfRows:

    def mouse_down(self, theEvent: Event):

        localPosition = theEvent.local

        scrollDownRect: Rect = self.scroll_down_rect()
        scrollUpRect:   Rect = self.scroll_up_rect()

        scrolledDown: bool = scrollDownRect.collidepoint(localPosition[0], localPosition[1])
        scrolledUp: bool = scrollUpRect.collidepoint(localPosition[0], localPosition[1])

        if scrolledDown:
            self.firstIdx += 1
        elif scrolledUp:
            if self.firstIdx != 0:
                self.firstIdx -= 1

        if self.firstRow < 0:
            self.firstIdx = 0
        if self.firstIdx >= len(self.lines) - 1:
            self.firstIdx = len(self.lines) - 1

        # self.firstRow = self.firstIdx
        # self._recomputeTextToDisplayIndices()

        self.logger.debug(f"firstRow: {self.firstRow} -- len(self.lines) {len(self.lines)}")

    def computeBoxSize(self, theNumberOfColumns: int, theNumberOfRows: int) -> tuple:

        width, height = self.font.size(TextBox.CANONICAL_WIDEST_TALLEST_CHARACTER)

        self.logger.debug(f"width: {width}, height: {height}")

        size = (width * theNumberOfColumns, (height * theNumberOfRows) + self.margin)
        self.logger.debug(f"size {size}")

        return size

    def draw_scroll_up_button(self, theSurface: Surface):

        r = self.scroll_up_rect()
        c = self.scroll_button_color
        draw.polygon(theSurface, c, [r.bottomleft, r.midtop, r.bottomright])

    def draw_scroll_down_button(self, theSurface: Surface):

        r = self.scroll_down_rect()
        c = self.scroll_button_color
        draw.polygon(theSurface, c, [r.topleft, r.midbottom, r.topright])

    def scroll_up_rect(self):

        d = self.scroll_button_size
        r = Rect(0, 0, d, d)
        m = self.margin = m
        r.right = self.width - m
        r.inflate_ip(-4, -4)
        return r

    def scroll_down_rect(self):

        d = self.scroll_button_size
        r = Rect(0, 0, d, d)
        m = self.margin
        r.bottom = self.height - m
        r.right = self.width - m
        r.inflate_ip(-4, -4)

        return r

    def _recomputeTextToDisplayIndices(self):

        # self.firstIdx = self.firstRow
        if len(self.lines) < self.numberOfRows:
            self.lastIdx = len(self.lines)
            if self.lastInsertedVisible is True:
                self.lastIdx  = len(self.lines)
                self.firstIdx = self.lastIdx - self.numberOfRows
                self.firstRow = self.firstIdx
                self.lastIdx = self.firstIdx + self.numberOfRows
                if self.lastIdx >= len(self.lines):
                    self.lastIdx = len(self.lines)
        self.logger.debug(f"firstIdx: {self.firstIdx}  lastIdx: {self.lastIdx}")


Class variables


The character to use to break up lines in the text widget

var disabled_bg_color

The disabled background color

var disabled_color

The color to use when the text box is disabled

var enabled_bg_color

The enabled background color

var scroll_button_color

Color in which to draw the scrolling buttons.

var scroll_button_size

Size of the scrolling buttons. This is a number, not a tuple – the scroll buttons are square.

var text

The text to be displayed. This can be changed dynamically

Instance variables

var firstIdx

"The index into lines as the first line to display

var firstRow

What scroll bars think the first row index is

var lastIdx

The index into lines as the last line to display

var lastInsertedVisible

If True whenever the developer inserts a new line then the widget scrolls, if necessary to keep it visible

var lines

Saves the broken up lines

var numberOfColumns

The number of columns in the widget

var numberOfRows

The number of rows in the widget


def addText(self, newText)

Different than setText. This appends the new text to the contents of the widget


The new text to append to the text widget
Source code
def addText(self, newText: str):
    Different than setText.  This appends the new text to the contents of the widget

        newText:  The new text to append to the text widget

    oldLines: str = self.getText()

    oldLines += f"{newText}{TextBox.LINE_SEPARATOR}"
def clearText(self)

Empties the text widget

Source code
def clearText(self):
    Empties the text widget
    self.firstIdx = 0
    self.lastIdx  = 0
def computeBoxSize(self, theNumberOfColumns, theNumberOfRows)
Source code
def computeBoxSize(self, theNumberOfColumns: int, theNumberOfRows: int) -> tuple:

    width, height = self.font.size(TextBox.CANONICAL_WIDEST_TALLEST_CHARACTER)

    self.logger.debug(f"width: {width}, height: {height}")

    size = (width * theNumberOfColumns, (height * theNumberOfRows) + self.margin)
    self.logger.debug(f"size {size}")

    return size
def deleteText(self, theLineNumber=0)

Lines are defined as strings of text separated by TextBox.LINE_SEPARATOR Can't delete any lines if widget is empty (operation is ignored) Can't delete a line that does not exist (operation is ignored)


The line number to delete; Defaults to the first line (numbered 0)
Source code
def deleteText(self, theLineNumber: int = 0):
    Lines are defined as strings of text separated by `TextBox.LINE_SEPARATOR`
    Can't delete any lines if widget is empty (operation is ignored)
    Can't delete a line that does not exist (operation is ignored)

        theLineNumber:  The line number to delete;  Defaults to the first line (numbered 0)
    if len(self.getText()) > 0:
        oldLines: str       = self.getText()
        splits:   List[str] = oldLines.splitlines(True)'splits: {splits}')

        if len(splits) > theLineNumber:
            del splits[theLineNumber]
            newLines: str = ''.join(splits)
  'newLines: {newLines}')

def draw(self, theSurface)


The surface onto which to draw
Source code
def draw(self, theSurface: Surface):

        theSurface:  The surface onto which to draw

    r = theSurface.get_rect()
    b = self.border_width
    if b:
        e = - 2 * b
        r.inflate_ip(e, e)
    theSurface.fill(self.bg_color, r)

    x = self.margin
    y = self.margin

    if self.logger.level == logging.DEBUG:
        if self.debugJustInserted is True:
            self.debugJustInserted = False
            self.logger.debug(f"firstIdx: {self.firstIdx} lastIdx: {self.lastIdx}")

    for idx in range(self.firstIdx, self.lastIdx):

        buf = self.font.render(self.lines[idx], True, self.fg_color)
        theSurface.blit(buf, (x, y))
        y += buf.get_rect().height

    if len(self.lines) > self.numberOfRows:
def draw_scroll_down_button(self, theSurface)
Source code
def draw_scroll_down_button(self, theSurface: Surface):

    r = self.scroll_down_rect()
    c = self.scroll_button_color
    draw.polygon(theSurface, c, [r.topleft, r.midbottom, r.topright])
def draw_scroll_up_button(self, theSurface)
Source code
def draw_scroll_up_button(self, theSurface: Surface):

    r = self.scroll_up_rect()
    c = self.scroll_button_color
    draw.polygon(theSurface, c, [r.bottomleft, r.midtop, r.bottomright])
def getLastInsertedVisible(self)
Source code
def getLastInsertedVisible(self):
    return self._lastInsertedVisible
def getText(self)
Source code
def getText(self):
    return self._text
def insertText(self, theNewLine)



Source code
def insertText(self, theNewLine):

    oldLines: str = self.getText()
    oldLines = f"{theNewLine}{TextBox.LINE_SEPARATOR}" + oldLines
def mouse_down(self, theEvent)
Source code
def mouse_down(self, theEvent: Event):

    localPosition = theEvent.local

    scrollDownRect: Rect = self.scroll_down_rect()
    scrollUpRect:   Rect = self.scroll_up_rect()

    scrolledDown: bool = scrollDownRect.collidepoint(localPosition[0], localPosition[1])
    scrolledUp: bool = scrollUpRect.collidepoint(localPosition[0], localPosition[1])

    if scrolledDown:
        self.firstIdx += 1
    elif scrolledUp:
        if self.firstIdx != 0:
            self.firstIdx -= 1

    if self.firstRow < 0:
        self.firstIdx = 0
    if self.firstIdx >= len(self.lines) - 1:
        self.firstIdx = len(self.lines) - 1

    # self.firstRow = self.firstIdx
    # self._recomputeTextToDisplayIndices()

    self.logger.debug(f"firstRow: {self.firstRow} -- len(self.lines) {len(self.lines)}")
def scroll_down_rect(self)
Source code
def scroll_down_rect(self):

    d = self.scroll_button_size
    r = Rect(0, 0, d, d)
    m = self.margin
    r.bottom = self.height - m
    r.right = self.width - m
    r.inflate_ip(-4, -4)

    return r
def scroll_up_rect(self)
Source code
def scroll_up_rect(self):

    d = self.scroll_button_size
    r = Rect(0, 0, d, d)
    m = self.margin = m
    r.right = self.width - m
    r.inflate_ip(-4, -4)
    return r
def setLastInsertedVisible(self, theNewValue)
Source code
def setLastInsertedVisible(self, theNewValue: bool):
    self._lastInsertedVisible = theNewValue
def setText(self, theNewText)

Replace the contents with this new text


The text that replaces what was in the widget
Source code
def setText(self, theNewText: str):
    Replace the contents with this new text

        theNewText:  The text that replaces what was in the widget

    lines = theNewText.strip().split(TextBox.LINE_SEPARATOR)
    self.lines = lines
    self.debugJustInserted = True

    self.logger.debug(f"# of lines: {len(self.lines)}")
    self._text = theNewText

Inherited members