Module albow.widgets.Image

Source code
from pygame import Rect

from albow.core.ResourceUtility import ResourceUtility

from albow.utils import overridable_property

from albow.core.ui.Widget import Widget

from albow.themes.ThemeProperty import ThemeProperty

class Image(Widget):
    An Image is a widget that displays an image.
    highlight_color = ThemeProperty('highlight_color')
        The image highlight color
    image = overridable_property('image')
    The image to display.  The behaviour of this property can be customised by overriding the `get_image()` method.
    highlighted = False
        Indicates whether or not to highlight the image;  Default is _False_

    def __init__(self, theImage = None, theRect: Rect = None, **kwds):
        TODO  Do a unit test on this class

        Initializes the widget to display the given image. The initial size is determined by the image.

            theImage:  Either a string that is the image name and can be found via the resource lookup methods
            or an actual image.  (TBD) - I don't like this and will change the API to only accept image names

            theRect:   The pygame rectangle to draw in

        super().__init__(theRect, **kwds)

        if theImage:
            if isinstance(theImage, str):
                theImage = ResourceUtility.get_image(theImage)
            w, h = theImage.get_size()
            d = 2 * self.margin
            self.size = w + d, h + d
            self._image = theImage
            self._image = None

    def get_image(self):
        Called to get the value of the image property. By overriding this method, you can make the widget display
        an image from an outside source.

        Returns: The pygame image

        return self._image

    def set_image(self, x):
        self._image = x

    def draw(self, surf):
        if self.highlighted:
        self.draw_image(surf, self.image)

    def draw_image(self, surf, image):
        frame = surf.get_rect()
        r = image.get_rect() =
        surf.blit(image, r)


class Image (theImage=None, theRect=None, **kwds)

An Image is a widget that displays an image.

TODO Do a unit test on this class

Initializes the widget to display the given image. The initial size is determined by the image.


Either a string that is the image name and can be found via the resource lookup methods

or an actual image. (TBD) - I don't like this and will change the API to only accept image names

The pygame rectangle to draw in


Source code
class Image(Widget):
    An Image is a widget that displays an image.
    highlight_color = ThemeProperty('highlight_color')
        The image highlight color
    image = overridable_property('image')
    The image to display.  The behaviour of this property can be customised by overriding the `get_image()` method.
    highlighted = False
        Indicates whether or not to highlight the image;  Default is _False_

    def __init__(self, theImage = None, theRect: Rect = None, **kwds):
        TODO  Do a unit test on this class

        Initializes the widget to display the given image. The initial size is determined by the image.

            theImage:  Either a string that is the image name and can be found via the resource lookup methods
            or an actual image.  (TBD) - I don't like this and will change the API to only accept image names

            theRect:   The pygame rectangle to draw in

        super().__init__(theRect, **kwds)

        if theImage:
            if isinstance(theImage, str):
                theImage = ResourceUtility.get_image(theImage)
            w, h = theImage.get_size()
            d = 2 * self.margin
            self.size = w + d, h + d
            self._image = theImage
            self._image = None

    def get_image(self):
        Called to get the value of the image property. By overriding this method, you can make the widget display
        an image from an outside source.

        Returns: The pygame image

        return self._image

    def set_image(self, x):
        self._image = x

    def draw(self, surf):
        if self.highlighted:
        self.draw_image(surf, self.image)

    def draw_image(self, surf, image):
        frame = surf.get_rect()
        r = image.get_rect() =
        surf.blit(image, r)



Class variables

var highlight_color

The image highlight color

var highlighted

Indicates whether or not to highlight the image; Default is False

var image

The image to display. The behaviour of this property can be customised by overriding the get_image() method.


def draw_image(self, surf, image)
Source code
def draw_image(self, surf, image):
    frame = surf.get_rect()
    r = image.get_rect() =
    surf.blit(image, r)
def get_image(self)

Called to get the value of the image property. By overriding this method, you can make the widget display an image from an outside source.

Returns: The pygame image

Source code
def get_image(self):
    Called to get the value of the image property. By overriding this method, you can make the widget display
    an image from an outside source.

    Returns: The pygame image

    return self._image
def set_image(self, x)
Source code
def set_image(self, x):
    self._image = x

Inherited members