Module albow.widgets.ValueDisplay

Source code
from pygame import Surface

from albow.core.ui.Widget import Widget

from albow.widgets.Control import Control

from albow.utils import blit_in_rect

class ValueDisplay(Control, Widget):

    A ValueDisplay is a Control that provides a read-only textual display of a value.
    format = "%s"
    Format string to be used when displaying the value. Also see the format_value() method below.

    align  = 'l'
        How to align the value.  Default is 'l'

    def __init__(self, width=100, **kwds):

        Widget.__init__(self, **kwds)

    def draw(self, surface: Surface):

        value = self.value
        text  = self.format_value(value)
        buf   = self.font.render(text, True, self.fg_color)
        frame = surface.get_rect()
        blit_in_rect(surface, buf, frame, self.align, self.margin)

    def format_value(self, value):
        if value is not None:
            return self.format % value
            return ""


class ValueDisplay (width=100, **kwds)

A ValueDisplay is a Control that provides a read-only textual display of a value.

Source code
class ValueDisplay(Control, Widget):

    A ValueDisplay is a Control that provides a read-only textual display of a value.
    format = "%s"
    Format string to be used when displaying the value. Also see the format_value() method below.

    align  = 'l'
        How to align the value.  Default is 'l'

    def __init__(self, width=100, **kwds):

        Widget.__init__(self, **kwds)

    def draw(self, surface: Surface):

        value = self.value
        text  = self.format_value(value)
        buf   = self.font.render(text, True, self.fg_color)
        frame = surface.get_rect()
        blit_in_rect(surface, buf, frame, self.align, self.margin)

    def format_value(self, value):
        if value is not None:
            return self.format % value
            return ""


Class variables

var align

How to align the value. Default is 'l'

var format

Format string to be used when displaying the value. Also see the format_value() method below.


def format_value(self, value)
Source code
def format_value(self, value):
    if value is not None:
        return self.format % value
        return ""

Inherited members