Module albow.dialog.Dialog

Source code
from albow.dialog.Modal import Modal
from albow.widgets.Button import Button

from albow.core.ui.Widget import Widget
from albow.layout.Row import Row
from albow.layout.Column import Column

class Dialog(Modal, Widget):
    The Dialog class provides a convenient container for implementing modal dialogs. Pressing Return or
    Enter dismisses the dialog with the value True, and pressing Escape dismisses it with the value False.

    See the `albow.core.ui.Widget` ``dismiss()`` and ``present()`` methods
    click_outside_response = None
    If this attribute is given a non-None value, then a mouse-down event outside the bounds of the dialog will 
    cause it to be dismissed with the given value.
    def __init__(self, client=None, responses=None, default=0, cancel=-1, **kwds):

            client:    The widget the dialog is on top of

            responses: A list of responses

            default:   The index to the default response; Default is the first

            cancel:    The index to the cancel response; Default is None


        Widget.__init__(self, **kwds)
        if client or responses:
            rows = []
            w1 = 0
            w2 = 0
            if client:
                w1 = client.width
            if responses:
                buttons = Row([
                    Button(text, action=lambda t=text: self.dismiss(t))
                    for text in responses], equalize='w')
                w2 = buttons.width
            if w1 < w2:
                a = 'l'
                a = 'r'
            contents = Column(rows, align=a)
            m = self.margin
            contents.topleft = (m, m)
        # TODO  Appears to be some code for future use to provide other than True/False responses
        if responses and default is not None:
            self.enter_response = responses[default]
        if responses and cancel is not None:
            self.cancel_response = responses[cancel]

    def mouse_down(self, e):
        # PEP 8 update
        # if not e in self:
        if e not in self:
            response = self.click_outside_response
            if response is not None:


class Dialog (client=None, responses=None, default=0, cancel=-1, **kwds)

The Dialog class provides a convenient container for implementing modal dialogs. Pressing Return or Enter dismisses the dialog with the value True, and pressing Escape dismisses it with the value False.

See the albow.core.ui.Widget dismiss() and present() methods


The widget the dialog is on top of
A list of responses
The index to the default response; Default is the first
The index to the cancel response; Default is None


Source code
class Dialog(Modal, Widget):
    The Dialog class provides a convenient container for implementing modal dialogs. Pressing Return or
    Enter dismisses the dialog with the value True, and pressing Escape dismisses it with the value False.

    See the `albow.core.ui.Widget` ``dismiss()`` and ``present()`` methods
    click_outside_response = None
    If this attribute is given a non-None value, then a mouse-down event outside the bounds of the dialog will 
    cause it to be dismissed with the given value.
    def __init__(self, client=None, responses=None, default=0, cancel=-1, **kwds):

            client:    The widget the dialog is on top of

            responses: A list of responses

            default:   The index to the default response; Default is the first

            cancel:    The index to the cancel response; Default is None


        Widget.__init__(self, **kwds)
        if client or responses:
            rows = []
            w1 = 0
            w2 = 0
            if client:
                w1 = client.width
            if responses:
                buttons = Row([
                    Button(text, action=lambda t=text: self.dismiss(t))
                    for text in responses], equalize='w')
                w2 = buttons.width
            if w1 < w2:
                a = 'l'
                a = 'r'
            contents = Column(rows, align=a)
            m = self.margin
            contents.topleft = (m, m)
        # TODO  Appears to be some code for future use to provide other than True/False responses
        if responses and default is not None:
            self.enter_response = responses[default]
        if responses and cancel is not None:
            self.cancel_response = responses[cancel]

    def mouse_down(self, e):
        # PEP 8 update
        # if not e in self:
        if e not in self:
            response = self.click_outside_response
            if response is not None:



Class variables

var click_outside_response

If this attribute is given a non-None value, then a mouse-down event outside the bounds of the dialog will cause it to be dismissed with the given value.


def mouse_down(self, e)
Source code
def mouse_down(self, e):
    # PEP 8 update
    # if not e in self:
    if e not in self:
        response = self.click_outside_response
        if response is not None:

Inherited members