Module albow.dialog.DirectoryPathView

Source code
from pygame import Surface

from albow.core.ui.Widget import Widget

class DirectoryPathView(Widget):

    def __init__(self, width, client, **kwds):

        self.client = client

    def draw(self, surface: Surface):

        frame = self.get_margin_rect()
        image = self.font.render(, True, self.fg_color)
        tw = image.get_width()
        mw = frame.width
        if tw <= mw:
            x = 0
            x = mw - tw
        surface.blit(image, (frame.left + x,


class DirectoryPathView (width, client, **kwds)

The Widget class is the base class for all widgets. A widget occupies a rectangular area of the PyGame screen to which all drawing in it is clipped, and it may receive mouse and keyboard events. A widget may also contain subwidgets.


Due to a limitation of PyGame subsurfaces, a widget's rectangle must be entirely contained within that of its parent widget. An exception will occur if this is violated.

  • Reading the following attributes retrieves the corresponding values from the widget's rect.
  • Assigning to them changes the size and position of the widget.
  • Additionally, if the size of the widget is changed via these attributes, the size and position of its subwidgets is updated according to each subwidget's anchor attribute.

    left, right, top, bottom, width, height, size,
    topleft, topright, bottomleft, bottomright,
    midleft, midright, midtop, midbottom,
    center, centerx, centery

This does not happen if the rect is modified directly.

Creates a new widget, initially without any parent. If a rect is given, it specifies the new widget's initial s ize and position relative to its parent.


A PyGame rectangle defining the portion of the parent widget's coordinate system occupied by the

widget. Modifying this rectangle changes the widget's size and position.

Additional attributes specified as key-value pairs
Source code
class DirectoryPathView(Widget):

    def __init__(self, width, client, **kwds):

        self.client = client

    def draw(self, surface: Surface):

        frame = self.get_margin_rect()
        image = self.font.render(, True, self.fg_color)
        tw = image.get_width()
        mw = frame.width
        if tw <= mw:
            x = 0
            x = mw - tw
        surface.blit(image, (frame.left + x,


Inherited members