Module albow.layout.Frame

Source code
from albow.core.ui.Widget import Widget

class Frame(Widget):
    A Frame is a container widget that adds a border around a client widget at a specified distance.

    border_width: int = 1
    The width of the border
    margin: int = 2
    The spacing between border and widget

    def __init__(self, client: Widget, border_spacing: int = None, **kwds):

            client:  The widget to wrap

            border_spacing:  Distance between the edges of the client and the border line.


        self.client = client
        if border_spacing is not None:
            self.margin = self.border_width + border_spacing
        d = self.margin
        w, h = client.size
        self.size = (w + 2 * d, h + 2 * d)
        client.topleft = (d, d)


class Frame (client, border_spacing=None, **kwds)

A Frame is a container widget that adds a border around a client widget at a specified distance.


The widget to wrap
Distance between the edges of the client and the border line.


Source code
class Frame(Widget):
    A Frame is a container widget that adds a border around a client widget at a specified distance.

    border_width: int = 1
    The width of the border
    margin: int = 2
    The spacing between border and widget

    def __init__(self, client: Widget, border_spacing: int = None, **kwds):

            client:  The widget to wrap

            border_spacing:  Distance between the edges of the client and the border line.


        self.client = client
        if border_spacing is not None:
            self.margin = self.border_width + border_spacing
        d = self.margin
        w, h = client.size
        self.size = (w + 2 * d, h + 2 * d)
        client.topleft = (d, d)


Inherited members