Module albow.input.TextEditor

Source code
from pygame.locals import K_LEFT
from pygame.locals import K_RIGHT
from pygame.locals import K_TAB
from pygame import draw

from albow.utils import overridable_property

from albow.core.ui.Widget import Widget

class TextEditor(Widget):
    A TextEditor provides simple single-line text editing.  Typed characters are inserted into the text, and
    characters are deleted using `Delete` or `Backspace`.  Clicking on the text field gives it the keyboard focus
    and sets the insertion point.  Pressing the Tab key moves to the next widget that has a tab stop.

    .. Note::
        There is currently no support for selecting or copying and pasting text.

    text = overridable_property('text')
    The current text, provided the get_text and set_text methods have not been overridden.
    upper = False
    If true, text typed into the field is forced to upper case.
    tab_stop = True
    If True this widget is a tab stop
    insertionPoint = None
    The current position of the insertion point. May be set to None to position it at the end of the text.
    enterAction = None
    .. TODO::
        A function of no arguments to be called when Return or Enter is pressed. If not specified, `Return` and `Enter` 
        key events are passed to the parent widget.
    escapeAction = None
    .. TODO::
        A function of no arguments to be called when `Escape` is pressed. If not specified, Escape key events are 
        passed to the parent widget.
    _text = ""

    def __init__(self, width: int, upper: bool = None, **kwds):
        The height is determined by the height of a line of text in the font in effect at construction time.

            width:  The width can be either an integer or a string.  If an integer, it specifies the width in
                    pixels; if a string, the widget is made just wide enough to contain the given text.

            upper:  If `True` then upper-case the next; If `False` or `None` then we keep out mitts of the text ;-)

        if upper is not None:
            self.upper = upper
        self.insertionPoint = None

    def get_text(self):
        return self._text

    def set_text(self, theNewText):
        Internally, the widget uses these methods to access the text being edited. By default they access text held 
        in a private attribute. By overriding them, you can arrange for the widget to edit text being held 
        somewhere else.

        self._text = theNewText

    def draw(self, surface):
        frame = self.get_margin_rect()
        fg = self.fg_color
        font = self.font
        focused = self.has_focus()
        text, i = self.get_text_and_insertion_point()
        if focused and i is None:
            surface.fill(self.sel_color, frame)
        image = font.render(text, True, fg)
        surface.blit(image, frame)
        if focused and i is not None:
            x, h = font.size(text[:i])
            x += frame.left
            y =
            draw.line(surface, fg, (x, y), (x, y + h - 1))

    def key_down(self, theKeyEvent):
        if not (theKeyEvent.cmd or theKeyEvent.alt):
            k = theKeyEvent.key
            if k == K_LEFT:
            if k == K_RIGHT:
            if K_TAB == k:
                c = theKeyEvent.unicode
            except ValueError:
                c = ""
            # Python 3 update
            # if self.insert_char(c) <> 'pass':
            if self.insert_char(c) != 'pass':
        if theKeyEvent.cmd and theKeyEvent.unicode:
        self.call_parent_handler('key_down', theKeyEvent)

    def get_text_and_insertion_point(self):
        text = self.get_text()
        i = self.insertionPoint
        if i is not None:
            i = max(0, min(i, len(text)))
        return text, i

    def move_insertion_point(self, d):
        text, i = self.get_text_and_insertion_point()
        if i is None:
            if d > 0:
                i = len(text)
                i = 0
            i = max(0, min(i + d, len(text)))
        self.insertionPoint = i

    def insert_char(self, c):
        if self.upper:
            c = c.upper()
        if c <= "\x7f":
            if c == "\x08" or c == "\x7f":
                text, i = self.get_text_and_insertion_point()
                if i is None:
                    text = ""
                    i = 0
                    text = text[:i-1] + text[i:]
                    i -= 1
                self.insertionPoint = i
            elif c == "\r" or c == "\x03":
                return self.call_handler('enter_action')
            elif c == "\x1b":
                return self.call_handler('escape_action')
            elif c >= "\x20":
                if self.allow_char(c):
                    text, i = self.get_text_and_insertion_point()
                    if i is None:
                        text = c
                        i = 1
                        text = text[:i] + c + text[i:]
                        i += 1
                    self.insertionPoint = i
        return 'pass'

    def allow_char(self, c):
        This method meant to be overridden

        Called to determine whether typing the character c into the text editor should be allowed. The default
        implementation returns true for all characters.

            c: The character to determine if allowed

        Returns: If allowed True, else false

        return True

    def mouse_down(self, e):

        x, y = e.local
        text = self.get_text()
        font = self.font
        # n = len(text)

        def width(idx):
            return font.size(text[:idx])[0]

        i1 = 0
        i2 = len(text)
        x1 = 0
        x2 = width(i2)
        while i2 - i1 > 1:
            i3 = (i1 + i2) // 2
            x3 = width(i3)
            if x > x3:
                i1, x1 = i3, x3
                i2, x2 = i3, x3
        if x - x1 > (x2 - x1) // 2:
            i = i2
            i = i1
        self.insertionPoint = i

    def change_text(self, text):


class TextEditor (width, upper=None, **kwds)

A TextEditor provides simple single-line text editing. Typed characters are inserted into the text, and characters are deleted using Delete or Backspace. Clicking on the text field gives it the keyboard focus and sets the insertion point. Pressing the Tab key moves to the next widget that has a tab stop.


There is currently no support for selecting or copying and pasting text.

The height is determined by the height of a line of text in the font in effect at construction time.


The width can be either an integer or a string. If an integer, it specifies the width in pixels; if a string, the widget is made just wide enough to contain the given text.
If True then upper-case the next; If False or None then we keep out mitts of the text ;-)


Source code
class TextEditor(Widget):
    A TextEditor provides simple single-line text editing.  Typed characters are inserted into the text, and
    characters are deleted using `Delete` or `Backspace`.  Clicking on the text field gives it the keyboard focus
    and sets the insertion point.  Pressing the Tab key moves to the next widget that has a tab stop.

    .. Note::
        There is currently no support for selecting or copying and pasting text.

    text = overridable_property('text')
    The current text, provided the get_text and set_text methods have not been overridden.
    upper = False
    If true, text typed into the field is forced to upper case.
    tab_stop = True
    If True this widget is a tab stop
    insertionPoint = None
    The current position of the insertion point. May be set to None to position it at the end of the text.
    enterAction = None
    .. TODO::
        A function of no arguments to be called when Return or Enter is pressed. If not specified, `Return` and `Enter` 
        key events are passed to the parent widget.
    escapeAction = None
    .. TODO::
        A function of no arguments to be called when `Escape` is pressed. If not specified, Escape key events are 
        passed to the parent widget.
    _text = ""

    def __init__(self, width: int, upper: bool = None, **kwds):
        The height is determined by the height of a line of text in the font in effect at construction time.

            width:  The width can be either an integer or a string.  If an integer, it specifies the width in
                    pixels; if a string, the widget is made just wide enough to contain the given text.

            upper:  If `True` then upper-case the next; If `False` or `None` then we keep out mitts of the text ;-)

        if upper is not None:
            self.upper = upper
        self.insertionPoint = None

    def get_text(self):
        return self._text

    def set_text(self, theNewText):
        Internally, the widget uses these methods to access the text being edited. By default they access text held 
        in a private attribute. By overriding them, you can arrange for the widget to edit text being held 
        somewhere else.

        self._text = theNewText

    def draw(self, surface):
        frame = self.get_margin_rect()
        fg = self.fg_color
        font = self.font
        focused = self.has_focus()
        text, i = self.get_text_and_insertion_point()
        if focused and i is None:
            surface.fill(self.sel_color, frame)
        image = font.render(text, True, fg)
        surface.blit(image, frame)
        if focused and i is not None:
            x, h = font.size(text[:i])
            x += frame.left
            y =
            draw.line(surface, fg, (x, y), (x, y + h - 1))

    def key_down(self, theKeyEvent):
        if not (theKeyEvent.cmd or theKeyEvent.alt):
            k = theKeyEvent.key
            if k == K_LEFT:
            if k == K_RIGHT:
            if K_TAB == k:
                c = theKeyEvent.unicode
            except ValueError:
                c = ""
            # Python 3 update
            # if self.insert_char(c) <> 'pass':
            if self.insert_char(c) != 'pass':
        if theKeyEvent.cmd and theKeyEvent.unicode:
        self.call_parent_handler('key_down', theKeyEvent)

    def get_text_and_insertion_point(self):
        text = self.get_text()
        i = self.insertionPoint
        if i is not None:
            i = max(0, min(i, len(text)))
        return text, i

    def move_insertion_point(self, d):
        text, i = self.get_text_and_insertion_point()
        if i is None:
            if d > 0:
                i = len(text)
                i = 0
            i = max(0, min(i + d, len(text)))
        self.insertionPoint = i

    def insert_char(self, c):
        if self.upper:
            c = c.upper()
        if c <= "\x7f":
            if c == "\x08" or c == "\x7f":
                text, i = self.get_text_and_insertion_point()
                if i is None:
                    text = ""
                    i = 0
                    text = text[:i-1] + text[i:]
                    i -= 1
                self.insertionPoint = i
            elif c == "\r" or c == "\x03":
                return self.call_handler('enter_action')
            elif c == "\x1b":
                return self.call_handler('escape_action')
            elif c >= "\x20":
                if self.allow_char(c):
                    text, i = self.get_text_and_insertion_point()
                    if i is None:
                        text = c
                        i = 1
                        text = text[:i] + c + text[i:]
                        i += 1
                    self.insertionPoint = i
        return 'pass'

    def allow_char(self, c):
        This method meant to be overridden

        Called to determine whether typing the character c into the text editor should be allowed. The default
        implementation returns true for all characters.

            c: The character to determine if allowed

        Returns: If allowed True, else false

        return True

    def mouse_down(self, e):

        x, y = e.local
        text = self.get_text()
        font = self.font
        # n = len(text)

        def width(idx):
            return font.size(text[:idx])[0]

        i1 = 0
        i2 = len(text)
        x1 = 0
        x2 = width(i2)
        while i2 - i1 > 1:
            i3 = (i1 + i2) // 2
            x3 = width(i3)
            if x > x3:
                i1, x1 = i3, x3
                i2, x2 = i3, x3
        if x - x1 > (x2 - x1) // 2:
            i = i2
            i = i1
        self.insertionPoint = i

    def change_text(self, text):



Class variables

var enterAction


A function of no arguments to be called when Return or Enter is pressed. If not specified, Return and Enter key events are passed to the parent widget.

var escapeAction


A function of no arguments to be called when Escape is pressed. If not specified, Escape key events are passed to the parent widget.

var insertionPoint

The current position of the insertion point. May be set to None to position it at the end of the text.

var text

The current text, provided the get_text and set_text methods have not been overridden.

var upper

If true, text typed into the field is forced to upper case.


def allow_char(self, c)

This method meant to be overridden

Called to determine whether typing the character c into the text editor should be allowed. The default implementation returns true for all characters.


The character to determine if allowed
Returns : If allowed True, else false
Source code
def allow_char(self, c):
    This method meant to be overridden

    Called to determine whether typing the character c into the text editor should be allowed. The default
    implementation returns true for all characters.

        c: The character to determine if allowed

    Returns: If allowed True, else false

    return True
def change_text(self, text)
Source code
def change_text(self, text):
def get_text(self)
Source code
def get_text(self):
    return self._text
def get_text_and_insertion_point(self)
Source code
def get_text_and_insertion_point(self):
    text = self.get_text()
    i = self.insertionPoint
    if i is not None:
        i = max(0, min(i, len(text)))
    return text, i
def insert_char(self, c)
Source code
def insert_char(self, c):
    if self.upper:
        c = c.upper()
    if c <= "\x7f":
        if c == "\x08" or c == "\x7f":
            text, i = self.get_text_and_insertion_point()
            if i is None:
                text = ""
                i = 0
                text = text[:i-1] + text[i:]
                i -= 1
            self.insertionPoint = i
        elif c == "\r" or c == "\x03":
            return self.call_handler('enter_action')
        elif c == "\x1b":
            return self.call_handler('escape_action')
        elif c >= "\x20":
            if self.allow_char(c):
                text, i = self.get_text_and_insertion_point()
                if i is None:
                    text = c
                    i = 1
                    text = text[:i] + c + text[i:]
                    i += 1
                self.insertionPoint = i
    return 'pass'
def mouse_down(self, e)
Source code
def mouse_down(self, e):

    x, y = e.local
    text = self.get_text()
    font = self.font
    # n = len(text)

    def width(idx):
        return font.size(text[:idx])[0]

    i1 = 0
    i2 = len(text)
    x1 = 0
    x2 = width(i2)
    while i2 - i1 > 1:
        i3 = (i1 + i2) // 2
        x3 = width(i3)
        if x > x3:
            i1, x1 = i3, x3
            i2, x2 = i3, x3
    if x - x1 > (x2 - x1) // 2:
        i = i2
        i = i1
    self.insertionPoint = i
def move_insertion_point(self, d)
Source code
def move_insertion_point(self, d):
    text, i = self.get_text_and_insertion_point()
    if i is None:
        if d > 0:
            i = len(text)
            i = 0
        i = max(0, min(i + d, len(text)))
    self.insertionPoint = i
def set_text(self, theNewText)

Internally, the widget uses these methods to access the text being edited. By default they access text held in a private attribute. By overriding them, you can arrange for the widget to edit text being held somewhere else.



Source code
def set_text(self, theNewText):
    Internally, the widget uses these methods to access the text being edited. By default they access text held 
    in a private attribute. By overriding them, you can arrange for the widget to edit text being held 
    somewhere else.

    self._text = theNewText

Inherited members