Module albow.choices.TextMultiChoice

Source code
from pygame import draw
from pygame import Surface
from pygame import Rect

from albow.utils import blit_in_rect

from albow.choices.MultiChoice import MultiChoice

class TextMultiChoice(MultiChoice):
    TextMultichoice is a Multichoice control that displays its values in the form of text.

    .. Note::
        In addition to the highlight styles defined by PaletteView,
        TextMultichoice also provides 'arrows', which highlights the selected value with a pair of
        arrowheads above and below.

    def __init__(self, values, labels=None, **kwds):

        Initializes the control with the given values and corresponding labels. If no labels are specified,
        they are derived by applying str() to the values

            values: The values

            labels: The displayed associated labels


        if not labels:
            labels = map(str, values)
        font = self.predict_font(kwds)
        # d = 2 * self.predict(kwds, 'margin')
        cd = 2 * self.predict(kwds, 'cell_margin')
        wmax = 0
        hmax = 0

        for (w, h) in map(font.size, labels):
            wmax = max(wmax, w)
            hmax = max(hmax, h)
        cw = wmax + cd
        ch = hmax + cd

        super().__init__((cw, ch), values, **kwds)

        self.labels = labels

    def draw_item(self, theSurface: Surface, n: int, theRect: Rect):

        buf = self.font.render(self.labels[n], True, self.fg_color)
        blit_in_rect(theSurface, buf, theRect, self.align, self.margin)

    def draw_prehighlight(self, theSurface: Surface, theItemNumber: int, theRect: Rect):
        if self.highlight_style == 'arrows':
            self.draw_arrows(theSurface, theRect)
            MultiChoice.draw_prehighlight(self, theSurface, theItemNumber, theRect)

    def draw_arrows(self, theSurface: Surface, theRect: Rect):

            theSurface: pygame surface to drawn

            theRect: The pygame rectangle to draw in

        m = self.margin
        color = self.sel_color or self.fg_color
        x, y = theRect.midtop
        pts = [(x - m, y - m), (x + m, y - m), (x, y)]
        draw.polygon(theSurface, color, pts)
        x, y = theRect.midbottom
        y -= 1
        pts = [(x - m, y + m), (x + m, y + m), (x, y)]
        draw.polygon(theSurface, color, pts)


class TextMultiChoice (values, labels=None, **kwds)

TextMultichoice is a Multichoice control that displays its values in the form of text.


In addition to the highlight styles defined by PaletteView, TextMultichoice also provides 'arrows', which highlights the selected value with a pair of arrowheads above and below.

Initializes the control with the given values and corresponding labels. If no labels are specified, they are derived by applying str() to the values


The values
The displayed associated labels


Source code
class TextMultiChoice(MultiChoice):
    TextMultichoice is a Multichoice control that displays its values in the form of text.

    .. Note::
        In addition to the highlight styles defined by PaletteView,
        TextMultichoice also provides 'arrows', which highlights the selected value with a pair of
        arrowheads above and below.

    def __init__(self, values, labels=None, **kwds):

        Initializes the control with the given values and corresponding labels. If no labels are specified,
        they are derived by applying str() to the values

            values: The values

            labels: The displayed associated labels


        if not labels:
            labels = map(str, values)
        font = self.predict_font(kwds)
        # d = 2 * self.predict(kwds, 'margin')
        cd = 2 * self.predict(kwds, 'cell_margin')
        wmax = 0
        hmax = 0

        for (w, h) in map(font.size, labels):
            wmax = max(wmax, w)
            hmax = max(hmax, h)
        cw = wmax + cd
        ch = hmax + cd

        super().__init__((cw, ch), values, **kwds)

        self.labels = labels

    def draw_item(self, theSurface: Surface, n: int, theRect: Rect):

        buf = self.font.render(self.labels[n], True, self.fg_color)
        blit_in_rect(theSurface, buf, theRect, self.align, self.margin)

    def draw_prehighlight(self, theSurface: Surface, theItemNumber: int, theRect: Rect):
        if self.highlight_style == 'arrows':
            self.draw_arrows(theSurface, theRect)
            MultiChoice.draw_prehighlight(self, theSurface, theItemNumber, theRect)

    def draw_arrows(self, theSurface: Surface, theRect: Rect):

            theSurface: pygame surface to drawn

            theRect: The pygame rectangle to draw in

        m = self.margin
        color = self.sel_color or self.fg_color
        x, y = theRect.midtop
        pts = [(x - m, y - m), (x + m, y - m), (x, y)]
        draw.polygon(theSurface, color, pts)
        x, y = theRect.midbottom
        y -= 1
        pts = [(x - m, y + m), (x + m, y + m), (x, y)]
        draw.polygon(theSurface, color, pts)



def draw_arrows(self, theSurface, theRect)


pygame surface to drawn
The pygame rectangle to draw in
Source code
def draw_arrows(self, theSurface: Surface, theRect: Rect):

        theSurface: pygame surface to drawn

        theRect: The pygame rectangle to draw in

    m = self.margin
    color = self.sel_color or self.fg_color
    x, y = theRect.midtop
    pts = [(x - m, y - m), (x + m, y - m), (x, y)]
    draw.polygon(theSurface, color, pts)
    x, y = theRect.midbottom
    y -= 1
    pts = [(x - m, y + m), (x + m, y + m), (x, y)]
    draw.polygon(theSurface, color, pts)
def draw_item(self, theSurface, n, theRect)
Source code
def draw_item(self, theSurface: Surface, n: int, theRect: Rect):

    buf = self.font.render(self.labels[n], True, self.fg_color)
    blit_in_rect(theSurface, buf, theRect, self.align, self.margin)

Inherited members