Module albow.choices.ImageMultiChoice

Source code
from pygame import Surface
from pygame import Rect

from albow.utils import blit_in_rect

from albow.choices.MultiChoice import MultiChoice

class ImageMultiChoice(MultiChoice):
    ImageMultichoice is a Multichoice control that displays its values in the form of images.
    highlight_style = 'fill'
    sel_color = (255, 192, 19)
    margin = 5

    def __init__(self, images, values, **kwds):
        Initialises the control with the given images and corresponding values.

            images:   The images we want displayed

            values: The values to return when the image is selected

        image0 = images[0]
        w, h = image0.get_size()
        d = 2 * self.predict(kwds, 'margin')
        cell_size = w + d, h + d
        # Python 3 update
        super().__init__(cell_size, values, **kwds)

        self.images = images

    def draw_item(self, surface: Surface, imageIndex: int, rect: Rect):

        image = self.images[imageIndex]
        blit_in_rect(surface, image, rect, self.align, self.margin)

    def draw_prehighlight(self, surf: Surface, theItemNumber: int, theRect: Rect):

        color = self.sel_color
        surf.fill(color, theRect)


class ImageMultiChoice (images, values, **kwds)

ImageMultichoice is a Multichoice control that displays its values in the form of images.

Initialises the control with the given images and corresponding values.


The images we want displayed
The values to return when the image is selected


Source code
class ImageMultiChoice(MultiChoice):
    ImageMultichoice is a Multichoice control that displays its values in the form of images.
    highlight_style = 'fill'
    sel_color = (255, 192, 19)
    margin = 5

    def __init__(self, images, values, **kwds):
        Initialises the control with the given images and corresponding values.

            images:   The images we want displayed

            values: The values to return when the image is selected

        image0 = images[0]
        w, h = image0.get_size()
        d = 2 * self.predict(kwds, 'margin')
        cell_size = w + d, h + d
        # Python 3 update
        super().__init__(cell_size, values, **kwds)

        self.images = images

    def draw_item(self, surface: Surface, imageIndex: int, rect: Rect):

        image = self.images[imageIndex]
        blit_in_rect(surface, image, rect, self.align, self.margin)

    def draw_prehighlight(self, surf: Surface, theItemNumber: int, theRect: Rect):

        color = self.sel_color
        surf.fill(color, theRect)



def draw_item(self, surface, imageIndex, rect)
Source code
def draw_item(self, surface: Surface, imageIndex: int, rect: Rect):

    image = self.images[imageIndex]
    blit_in_rect(surface, image, rect, self.align, self.margin)

Inherited members