Module albow.themes.FontProperty

Source code
from albow.themes.Theme import Theme

from albow.themes.ThemeProperty import ThemeProperty

class FontProperty(ThemeProperty):
    The FontProperty class is a property descriptor used for defining theme properties whose values are font objects.

    Rather than an actual font object, the corresponding attribute of a Theme object should contain a
    tuple (size, filename) specifying the font. The first time the font property is accessed for a
    given instance, the FontProperty descriptor loads the font using get_font and caches the resulting font object.

        class DramaticScene(Widget):

        villain_gloat_font = FontProperty('villain_gloat_font')

        from albow.themes.Theme import themeRoot

        themeRoot.DramaticScene = theme.Theme('DramaticScene')
        themeRoot.DramaticScene.villain_gloat_font = (27, "EvilLaughter.ttf")

    def __init__(self, name):
        Constructs a font property descriptor.
            name: Normally name should be the same as the name being used for the property.

    def get_from_theme(self, cls, name):
        return Theme.getThemeRoot().get_font(cls, name)


class FontProperty (name)

The FontProperty class is a property descriptor used for defining theme properties whose values are font objects.

Rather than an actual font object, the corresponding attribute of a Theme object should contain a tuple (size, filename) specifying the font. The first time the font property is accessed for a given instance, the FontProperty descriptor loads the font using get_font and caches the resulting font object.


    class DramaticScene(Widget):

    villain_gloat_font = FontProperty('villain_gloat_font')

    from albow.themes.Theme import themeRoot

    themeRoot.DramaticScene = theme.Theme('DramaticScene')
    themeRoot.DramaticScene.villain_gloat_font = (27, "EvilLaughter.ttf")

Constructs a font property descriptor.


Normally name should be the same as the name being used for the property.
Source code
class FontProperty(ThemeProperty):
    The FontProperty class is a property descriptor used for defining theme properties whose values are font objects.

    Rather than an actual font object, the corresponding attribute of a Theme object should contain a
    tuple (size, filename) specifying the font. The first time the font property is accessed for a
    given instance, the FontProperty descriptor loads the font using get_font and caches the resulting font object.

        class DramaticScene(Widget):

        villain_gloat_font = FontProperty('villain_gloat_font')

        from albow.themes.Theme import themeRoot

        themeRoot.DramaticScene = theme.Theme('DramaticScene')
        themeRoot.DramaticScene.villain_gloat_font = (27, "EvilLaughter.ttf")

    def __init__(self, name):
        Constructs a font property descriptor.
            name: Normally name should be the same as the name being used for the property.

    def get_from_theme(self, cls, name):
        return Theme.getThemeRoot().get_font(cls, name)



def get_from_theme(self, cls, name)
Source code
def get_from_theme(self, cls, name):
    return Theme.getThemeRoot().get_font(cls, name)