Module albow.core.Scheduler

Source code
from typing import List

import logging

from time import time

from bisect import insort

from pygame.locals import USEREVENT

from pygame.event import Event

from albow.core.CoreUtilities import CoreUtilities
from albow.core.ScheduledCall import ScheduledCall


class Scheduler:

    ourLogger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    ourScheduledCalls: List[ScheduledCall] = []

    A static class to avoid using module functions
    def schedule(delay, func):
        .. WARNING::
            Deprecated, use `schedule_call` or `schedule_event` instead.

        Scheduler.schedule_call(delay * 1000.0, func)

    def schedule_call(delay, func, repeat=False):
        Arrange for the given function to be called after the specified
        delay in milliseconds. Scheduled functions are called synchronously from
        the event loop, and only when the frame timer is running. If repeat is
        true, call will be made repeatedly at the specified interval, otherwise
        it will only be made once.

            delay:  The scheduled delay in milliseconds

            func:  The function to call

            repeat: Set to _True_ to repeat, else _False_

        Returns:   Returns a token that can be passed to `Scheduler.cancel_call()`.

        t = Scheduler.timestamp() + delay
        if repeat:
            r = delay
            r = 0.0
        item = ScheduledCall(t, func, r)
        insort(Scheduler.ourScheduledCalls, item)
        return item

    def schedule_event(delay, func, repeat=False):
        Like `Scheduler.schedule_call` except that the function is passed an event containing the current timestamp and
        the state of the modifier keys.

            delay:  The scheduled delay in milliseconds

            func:  The function to call

            repeat: Set to _True_ to repeat, else _False_
        def thunk():
            # Pygame 1.9 update
            # event = Event(USEREVENT, time = timestamp())
            ts = Scheduler.timestamp()
            event = Event(USEREVENT, {'time': ts})

        Scheduler.schedule_call(delay, thunk, repeat)

    def timestamp():

        return time() * 1000.0 - CoreUtilities.timeBase

    def cancel_call(token):
        Cancel a previously scheduled call, given a token returned by
        `Scheduler.schedule_call` or `Scheduler.schedule_event`.

            token:  The token that represents the call to cancel

        except ValueError as ve:
            # pass
            Scheduler.ourLogger.error("Cancel call exception: %s", ve)

    def make_scheduled_calls():
        Legacy - Still used by `RootWidget.run_mode`;  A simpler way to call what is due

        callList = Scheduler.ourScheduledCalls
        t = Scheduler.timestamp()
        while len(callList) != 0 and callList[0].time <= t:

            scheduledCall: ScheduledCall = callList.pop(FIRST_DUE_CALL_IDX)

    def make_due_calls(time_now, until_time):
        Call all functions scheduled at or before time_now.

            time_now:  When to make the call

            until_time:  Until time ?

        Returns:    The time remaining until the next scheduled call or `until_time`, whichever is sooner.

        Scheduler.ourLogger.debug("make_due_calls - time_now: %s, until_time: %s", time_now, until_time)

        callList = Scheduler.ourScheduledCalls
        while len(callList) != 0 and callList[FIRST_DUE_CALL_IDX].time <= time_now:

            Scheduler.ourLogger.debug("scheduled time is less or equal to time_now")
            scheduledCall: ScheduledCall = callList.pop(0)

            Scheduler.ourLogger.debug("Call function: %s", scheduledCall.func.__name__)
            delay = scheduledCall.interval

            if delay:
                next_time = scheduledCall.time + delay

                if next_time < time_now:
                    next_time = time_now + delay
                Scheduler.ourLogger.debug("make_due_calls: rescheduling at: %s", next_time)
                scheduledCall.time = next_time
                insort(callList, scheduledCall)

        if len(callList) != 0:
            next_time = min(until_time, callList[FIRST_DUE_CALL_IDX].time)
            next_time = until_time

        return next_time - time_now


class Scheduler (*args, **kwargs)
Source code
class Scheduler:

    ourLogger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    ourScheduledCalls: List[ScheduledCall] = []

    A static class to avoid using module functions
    def schedule(delay, func):
        .. WARNING::
            Deprecated, use `schedule_call` or `schedule_event` instead.

        Scheduler.schedule_call(delay * 1000.0, func)

    def schedule_call(delay, func, repeat=False):
        Arrange for the given function to be called after the specified
        delay in milliseconds. Scheduled functions are called synchronously from
        the event loop, and only when the frame timer is running. If repeat is
        true, call will be made repeatedly at the specified interval, otherwise
        it will only be made once.

            delay:  The scheduled delay in milliseconds

            func:  The function to call

            repeat: Set to _True_ to repeat, else _False_

        Returns:   Returns a token that can be passed to `Scheduler.cancel_call()`.

        t = Scheduler.timestamp() + delay
        if repeat:
            r = delay
            r = 0.0
        item = ScheduledCall(t, func, r)
        insort(Scheduler.ourScheduledCalls, item)
        return item

    def schedule_event(delay, func, repeat=False):
        Like `Scheduler.schedule_call` except that the function is passed an event containing the current timestamp and
        the state of the modifier keys.

            delay:  The scheduled delay in milliseconds

            func:  The function to call

            repeat: Set to _True_ to repeat, else _False_
        def thunk():
            # Pygame 1.9 update
            # event = Event(USEREVENT, time = timestamp())
            ts = Scheduler.timestamp()
            event = Event(USEREVENT, {'time': ts})

        Scheduler.schedule_call(delay, thunk, repeat)

    def timestamp():

        return time() * 1000.0 - CoreUtilities.timeBase

    def cancel_call(token):
        Cancel a previously scheduled call, given a token returned by
        `Scheduler.schedule_call` or `Scheduler.schedule_event`.

            token:  The token that represents the call to cancel

        except ValueError as ve:
            # pass
            Scheduler.ourLogger.error("Cancel call exception: %s", ve)

    def make_scheduled_calls():
        Legacy - Still used by `RootWidget.run_mode`;  A simpler way to call what is due

        callList = Scheduler.ourScheduledCalls
        t = Scheduler.timestamp()
        while len(callList) != 0 and callList[0].time <= t:

            scheduledCall: ScheduledCall = callList.pop(FIRST_DUE_CALL_IDX)

    def make_due_calls(time_now, until_time):
        Call all functions scheduled at or before time_now.

            time_now:  When to make the call

            until_time:  Until time ?

        Returns:    The time remaining until the next scheduled call or `until_time`, whichever is sooner.

        Scheduler.ourLogger.debug("make_due_calls - time_now: %s, until_time: %s", time_now, until_time)

        callList = Scheduler.ourScheduledCalls
        while len(callList) != 0 and callList[FIRST_DUE_CALL_IDX].time <= time_now:

            Scheduler.ourLogger.debug("scheduled time is less or equal to time_now")
            scheduledCall: ScheduledCall = callList.pop(0)

            Scheduler.ourLogger.debug("Call function: %s", scheduledCall.func.__name__)
            delay = scheduledCall.interval

            if delay:
                next_time = scheduledCall.time + delay

                if next_time < time_now:
                    next_time = time_now + delay
                Scheduler.ourLogger.debug("make_due_calls: rescheduling at: %s", next_time)
                scheduledCall.time = next_time
                insort(callList, scheduledCall)

        if len(callList) != 0:
            next_time = min(until_time, callList[FIRST_DUE_CALL_IDX].time)
            next_time = until_time

        return next_time - time_now

Class variables

var ourLogger
var ourScheduledCalls

A static class to avoid using module functions

Static methods

def cancel_call(token)

Cancel a previously scheduled call, given a token returned by Scheduler.schedule_call() or Scheduler.schedule_event().


The token that represents the call to cancel
Source code
def cancel_call(token):
    Cancel a previously scheduled call, given a token returned by
    `Scheduler.schedule_call` or `Scheduler.schedule_event`.

        token:  The token that represents the call to cancel

    except ValueError as ve:
        # pass
        Scheduler.ourLogger.error("Cancel call exception: %s", ve)
def make_due_calls(time_now, until_time)

Call all functions scheduled at or before time_now.


When to make the call
Until time ?

Returns: The time remaining until the next scheduled call or until_time, whichever is sooner.

Source code
def make_due_calls(time_now, until_time):
    Call all functions scheduled at or before time_now.

        time_now:  When to make the call

        until_time:  Until time ?

    Returns:    The time remaining until the next scheduled call or `until_time`, whichever is sooner.

    Scheduler.ourLogger.debug("make_due_calls - time_now: %s, until_time: %s", time_now, until_time)

    callList = Scheduler.ourScheduledCalls
    while len(callList) != 0 and callList[FIRST_DUE_CALL_IDX].time <= time_now:

        Scheduler.ourLogger.debug("scheduled time is less or equal to time_now")
        scheduledCall: ScheduledCall = callList.pop(0)

        Scheduler.ourLogger.debug("Call function: %s", scheduledCall.func.__name__)
        delay = scheduledCall.interval

        if delay:
            next_time = scheduledCall.time + delay

            if next_time < time_now:
                next_time = time_now + delay
            Scheduler.ourLogger.debug("make_due_calls: rescheduling at: %s", next_time)
            scheduledCall.time = next_time
            insort(callList, scheduledCall)

    if len(callList) != 0:
        next_time = min(until_time, callList[FIRST_DUE_CALL_IDX].time)
        next_time = until_time

    return next_time - time_now
def make_scheduled_calls()

Legacy - Still used by RootWidget.run_mode; A simpler way to call what is due

Source code
def make_scheduled_calls():
    Legacy - Still used by `RootWidget.run_mode`;  A simpler way to call what is due

    callList = Scheduler.ourScheduledCalls
    t = Scheduler.timestamp()
    while len(callList) != 0 and callList[0].time <= t:

        scheduledCall: ScheduledCall = callList.pop(FIRST_DUE_CALL_IDX)
def schedule(delay, func)


Deprecated, use schedule_call or schedule_event instead.

Source code
def schedule(delay, func):
    .. WARNING::
        Deprecated, use `schedule_call` or `schedule_event` instead.

    Scheduler.schedule_call(delay * 1000.0, func)
def schedule_call(delay, func, repeat=False)

Arrange for the given function to be called after the specified delay in milliseconds. Scheduled functions are called synchronously from the event loop, and only when the frame timer is running. If repeat is true, call will be made repeatedly at the specified interval, otherwise it will only be made once.


The scheduled delay in milliseconds
The function to call
Set to True to repeat, else False

Returns: Returns a token that can be passed to Scheduler.cancel_call().

Source code
def schedule_call(delay, func, repeat=False):
    Arrange for the given function to be called after the specified
    delay in milliseconds. Scheduled functions are called synchronously from
    the event loop, and only when the frame timer is running. If repeat is
    true, call will be made repeatedly at the specified interval, otherwise
    it will only be made once.

        delay:  The scheduled delay in milliseconds

        func:  The function to call

        repeat: Set to _True_ to repeat, else _False_

    Returns:   Returns a token that can be passed to `Scheduler.cancel_call()`.

    t = Scheduler.timestamp() + delay
    if repeat:
        r = delay
        r = 0.0
    item = ScheduledCall(t, func, r)
    insort(Scheduler.ourScheduledCalls, item)
    return item
def schedule_event(delay, func, repeat=False)

Like Scheduler.schedule_call() except that the function is passed an event containing the current timestamp and the state of the modifier keys.


The scheduled delay in milliseconds
The function to call
Set to True to repeat, else False
Source code
def schedule_event(delay, func, repeat=False):
    Like `Scheduler.schedule_call` except that the function is passed an event containing the current timestamp and
    the state of the modifier keys.

        delay:  The scheduled delay in milliseconds

        func:  The function to call

        repeat: Set to _True_ to repeat, else _False_
    def thunk():
        # Pygame 1.9 update
        # event = Event(USEREVENT, time = timestamp())
        ts = Scheduler.timestamp()
        event = Event(USEREVENT, {'time': ts})

    Scheduler.schedule_call(delay, thunk, repeat)
def timestamp()
Source code
def timestamp():

    return time() * 1000.0 - CoreUtilities.timeBase