Module albow.core.ResourceUtility

The resource module exports some utility functions for finding, loading and caching various types of resources. By default, resource files are looked for in a directory named Resources alongside the .py file of the program's main module.

Resource names are specified in a platform-independent manner using a series of pathname components. Specific resource types are looked for by default in subdirectories of the resources directory as follows:

Types Location
Fonts resources/fonts
Sounds resources/sounds
Text resources/text
Cursors resources/cursors
Music resources/music

The subdirectory can in some cases be overridden using the prefix parameter to the relevant resource-loading function. Each type of resource has a cache. The first time a resource with a given name is requested, it is loaded and placed in the cache. Subsequent requests for the same name will return the cached object.

Source code
The resource module exports some utility functions for finding, loading and caching various types of
resources.  By default, resource files are looked for in a directory named _Resources_ alongside the
.py file of the program's main module.

Resource names are specified in a platform-independent manner using a series of pathname components. Specific
resource types are looked for by default in subdirectories of the resources directory as follows:

| Types   |      |            Location |
| ------- | ---- | ------------------: |
| Fonts   |      |   *resources*/fonts |
| Sounds  |      |  *resources*/sounds |
| Text    |      |    *resources*/text |
| Cursors |      | *resources*/cursors |
| Music   |      |   *resources*/music |

The subdirectory can in some cases be overridden using the `prefix` parameter to the relevant resource-loading
function.  Each type of resource has a cache. The first time a resource with a given name is requested, it is
loaded and placed in the cache.  Subsequent requests for the same name will return the cached object.
import os
import sys
import logging

import pygame
from pygame.locals import RLEACCEL
from pygame import Surface
from pygame import mixer

from albow.core.DummySound import DummySound


DEFAULT_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_NAMES = ["Resources", "resources"]

optimize_images = True
If `True`, images loaded with `get_image()` will have `convert_alpha()` called on them by default. Defaults to `True`.
run_length_encode = False

class ResourceUtility:
    Static class housing shortcut methods to quickly access system resources like

    - sounds
    - cursors
    - fonts
    - images
    - resource directories

    .. Note::
        Make unit tests for sound and cursor APIs since they are not currently demo'ed

    dummy_sound = DummySound()
    sound_cache = {}
    image_cache = {}
    cursor_cache = {}
    font_cache = {}
    text_cache = {}

    ourLogger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    def find_resource_dir():

        directory = sys.path[0]

        while True:
                path = os.path.join(directory, name)
                if os.path.exists(path):
                    return path
            parent = os.path.dirname(directory)
            if parent == directory:
                raise SystemError("albow: Unable to find Resources directory")
            directory = parent

    def resource_exists(*names, **kwds) -> bool:
        Returns true if a resource exists with the given pathname components.



        Returns:  `True` if it does, else `False`

        return os.path.exists(ResourceUtility._resource_path("", names, **kwds))

    def get_image(*names, **kwds) -> Surface:
        Loads the specified image from the images directory or returns it from the cache.

        .. WARNING::
            For some of the options to work correctly, you must have initialized the PyGame screen before calling get_image().



        prefix = kwds.pop('prefix', DEFAULT_IMAGES_DIRECTORY)
        path = ResourceUtility._resource_path(prefix, names)
        return ResourceUtility._get_image(path, **kwds)

    def get_font(size, *names, **kwds):
        Loads the specified font or returns it from the cache.

            size:   This size font to load



        Returns:    A pygame font

        path = ResourceUtility._resource_path("%s" % DEFAULT_FONTS_DIRECTORY, names, **kwds)
        key = (path, size)
        font = ResourceUtility.font_cache.get(key)
        if not font:
                font = pygame.font.Font(path, size)
            # Python 3 update
            # except IOError, e:
            except IOError as e:
                raise e.__class__("%s: %s" % (e, path))
            ResourceUtility.font_cache[key] = font
        return font

    def get_text(*names, **kwds):
        Loads the contents of a text file as a string or returns it from the cache. The file is opened in
        universal newlines mode.



        path = ResourceUtility._resource_path("%s" % DEFAULT_TEXT_DIRECTORY, names, **kwds)
        text = ResourceUtility.text_cache.get(path)
        if text is None:
            text = open(path, "rU").read()
            ResourceUtility.text_cache[path] = text
        return text

    def resource_path(*names, **kwds) -> str:
        Constructs a resource pathname from the given pathname components.



        Returns:    The resource path

        return ResourceUtility._resource_path("", names, **kwds)

    def get_sound(*names, **kwds):
        Loads the specified sound or returns it from the cache.

        If the sound is unable to be loaded for any reason, a warning message is printed and a dummy sound object
        with no-op methods is returned. This allows an application to continue without sound in an environment
        where sound support is not available.

            *names:  Sound file name



        path = ResourceUtility._resource_path("%s" % DEFAULT_SOUND_DIRECTORY, names, **kwds)

        return ResourceUtility.load_sound(path)

    def load_sound(path) -> "mixer.Sound":
        Loads a sound from the file specified by path, or returns it from the cache. Like `get_sound()`,
        returns a dummy sound object if the sound cannot be loaded.
            path:  Fully qualified path

        Returns: A pygame sound object

        if ResourceUtility.sound_cache is None:
            return ResourceUtility.dummy_sound
        retSound = ResourceUtility.sound_cache.get(path)
        if not retSound:
                from pygame.mixer import Sound
            # Python 3 update
            # except ImportError, e:
            except ImportError as e:
                return ResourceUtility.dummy_sound
                retSound = Sound(path)
            # Python 3 update
            # except pygame.error, e:
            except pygame.error as e:
                ResourceUtility.missing_sound(e, path)
                return ResourceUtility.dummy_sound
            ResourceUtility.sound_cache[path] = retSound

        return retSound

    def no_sound(e):
        Clear the sound cache as a side-effect

        :param e: Exception to log

        ResourceUtility.ourLogger.error(f"albow.resource.get_sound: {e}")
        ResourceUtility.ourLogger.error("albow.resource.get_sound: Sound not available, continuing without it")

        ResourceUtility.sound_cache = None

    def missing_sound(e, name):
        Log an error message on a missing sound

        :param e: The exception
        :param name: This name of the missing sound
        ResourceUtility.ourLogger.error("albow.resource.get_sound: %s: %s", name, e)

    def get_cursor(*names, **kwds):
        Get a cursor out of the cache,  Else load it and cache it

        :param names:
        :param kwds:

        path = ResourceUtility._resource_path("%s" % DEFAULT_CURSORS_DIRECTORY, names, **kwds)
        cursor = ResourceUtility.cursor_cache.get(path)
        if cursor is None:
            cursor = ResourceUtility.load_cursor(path)
            ResourceUtility.cursor_cache[path] = cursor
        return cursor

    def load_cursor(path):
        Loads a cursor from an image file or returns it from the cache. The cursor is returned as a tuple of
        arguments suitable for passing to the PyGame function `set_cursor()`.

        .. IMPORTANT::
            The image must be no larger than 16x16 pixels and should consist only of the colours black (0, 0, 0),
            white (255, 255, 255), blue (0, 0, 255) and cyan (0, 255, 255).  Blue and cyan are used to indicate the
            position of the hotspot, with blue if the hotspot is over a black or transparent pixel, and cyan if it is
            over a white pixel.  The hotspot defaults to the top left corner.  If the image has an alpha channel, it
            should consist of fully opaque or fully transparent pixels.

            path:  A fully qualified path the the image file


        image = ResourceUtility._get_image(path)
        width, height = image.get_size()
        hot = (0, 0)
        data = []
        mask = []
        rowbytes = (width + 7) // 8
        # Python 3 update
        # xr = xrange(width)
        # yr = xrange(height)
        xr = range(width)
        yr = range(height)

        for y in yr:
            bit = 0x80
            db = mb = 0
            for x in xr:
                r, g, b, a = image.get_at((x, y))
                if a >= 128:
                    mb |= bit
                    if r + g + b < 383:
                        db |= bit
                if r == 0 and b == 255:
                    hot = (x, y)
                bit >>= 1
                if not bit:
                    db = mb = 0
                    bit = 0x80
            # if bit <> 0x80:
            if bit != 0x80:
        return (8 * rowbytes, height), hot, data, mask

    def _resource_path(default_prefix, names, prefix="") -> str:

        return os.path.join(ResourceUtility.find_resource_dir(), prefix or default_prefix, *names)

    def _get_image(path, border=0, optimize=optimize_images, noalpha=False, rle=run_length_encode) -> Surface:
        Loads the specified image from the images directory or returns it from the cache.


            border: If border is specified, a border of that number of pixels is stripped from around
                    the image (making it 2 * border pixels smaller in each direction).

            optimize: If optimize is true, convert_alpha() is called on the image.

            noalpha: If noalpha is true, any alpha channel is stripped from the image.

            rle:    If rle is true, the image is run-length encoded to improve blitting speed.

        Returns:  The specified image from the images directory or returns it from the cache
        image = ResourceUtility.image_cache.get(path)
        if not image:
            image = pygame.image.load(path)
            if noalpha:
                image = image.convert(24)
            elif optimize:
                image = image.convert_alpha()
            if rle:
                image.set_alpha(255, RLEACCEL)
            if border:
                w, h = image.get_size()
                b = border
                d = 2 * border
                image = image.subsurface(b, b, w - d, h - d)
            ResourceUtility.image_cache[path] = image
        return image

Global variables

var optimize_images

If True, images loaded with get_image() will have convert_alpha() called on them by default. Defaults to True.


class ResourceUtility (*args, **kwargs)

Static class housing shortcut methods to quickly access system resources like

  • sounds
  • cursors
  • fonts
  • images
  • resource directories


Make unit tests for sound and cursor APIs since they are not currently demo'ed

Source code
class ResourceUtility:
    Static class housing shortcut methods to quickly access system resources like

    - sounds
    - cursors
    - fonts
    - images
    - resource directories

    .. Note::
        Make unit tests for sound and cursor APIs since they are not currently demo'ed

    dummy_sound = DummySound()
    sound_cache = {}
    image_cache = {}
    cursor_cache = {}
    font_cache = {}
    text_cache = {}

    ourLogger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    def find_resource_dir():

        directory = sys.path[0]

        while True:
                path = os.path.join(directory, name)
                if os.path.exists(path):
                    return path
            parent = os.path.dirname(directory)
            if parent == directory:
                raise SystemError("albow: Unable to find Resources directory")
            directory = parent

    def resource_exists(*names, **kwds) -> bool:
        Returns true if a resource exists with the given pathname components.



        Returns:  `True` if it does, else `False`

        return os.path.exists(ResourceUtility._resource_path("", names, **kwds))

    def get_image(*names, **kwds) -> Surface:
        Loads the specified image from the images directory or returns it from the cache.

        .. WARNING::
            For some of the options to work correctly, you must have initialized the PyGame screen before calling get_image().



        prefix = kwds.pop('prefix', DEFAULT_IMAGES_DIRECTORY)
        path = ResourceUtility._resource_path(prefix, names)
        return ResourceUtility._get_image(path, **kwds)

    def get_font(size, *names, **kwds):
        Loads the specified font or returns it from the cache.

            size:   This size font to load



        Returns:    A pygame font

        path = ResourceUtility._resource_path("%s" % DEFAULT_FONTS_DIRECTORY, names, **kwds)
        key = (path, size)
        font = ResourceUtility.font_cache.get(key)
        if not font:
                font = pygame.font.Font(path, size)
            # Python 3 update
            # except IOError, e:
            except IOError as e:
                raise e.__class__("%s: %s" % (e, path))
            ResourceUtility.font_cache[key] = font
        return font

    def get_text(*names, **kwds):
        Loads the contents of a text file as a string or returns it from the cache. The file is opened in
        universal newlines mode.



        path = ResourceUtility._resource_path("%s" % DEFAULT_TEXT_DIRECTORY, names, **kwds)
        text = ResourceUtility.text_cache.get(path)
        if text is None:
            text = open(path, "rU").read()
            ResourceUtility.text_cache[path] = text
        return text

    def resource_path(*names, **kwds) -> str:
        Constructs a resource pathname from the given pathname components.



        Returns:    The resource path

        return ResourceUtility._resource_path("", names, **kwds)

    def get_sound(*names, **kwds):
        Loads the specified sound or returns it from the cache.

        If the sound is unable to be loaded for any reason, a warning message is printed and a dummy sound object
        with no-op methods is returned. This allows an application to continue without sound in an environment
        where sound support is not available.

            *names:  Sound file name



        path = ResourceUtility._resource_path("%s" % DEFAULT_SOUND_DIRECTORY, names, **kwds)

        return ResourceUtility.load_sound(path)

    def load_sound(path) -> "mixer.Sound":
        Loads a sound from the file specified by path, or returns it from the cache. Like `get_sound()`,
        returns a dummy sound object if the sound cannot be loaded.
            path:  Fully qualified path

        Returns: A pygame sound object

        if ResourceUtility.sound_cache is None:
            return ResourceUtility.dummy_sound
        retSound = ResourceUtility.sound_cache.get(path)
        if not retSound:
                from pygame.mixer import Sound
            # Python 3 update
            # except ImportError, e:
            except ImportError as e:
                return ResourceUtility.dummy_sound
                retSound = Sound(path)
            # Python 3 update
            # except pygame.error, e:
            except pygame.error as e:
                ResourceUtility.missing_sound(e, path)
                return ResourceUtility.dummy_sound
            ResourceUtility.sound_cache[path] = retSound

        return retSound

    def no_sound(e):
        Clear the sound cache as a side-effect

        :param e: Exception to log

        ResourceUtility.ourLogger.error(f"albow.resource.get_sound: {e}")
        ResourceUtility.ourLogger.error("albow.resource.get_sound: Sound not available, continuing without it")

        ResourceUtility.sound_cache = None

    def missing_sound(e, name):
        Log an error message on a missing sound

        :param e: The exception
        :param name: This name of the missing sound
        ResourceUtility.ourLogger.error("albow.resource.get_sound: %s: %s", name, e)

    def get_cursor(*names, **kwds):
        Get a cursor out of the cache,  Else load it and cache it

        :param names:
        :param kwds:

        path = ResourceUtility._resource_path("%s" % DEFAULT_CURSORS_DIRECTORY, names, **kwds)
        cursor = ResourceUtility.cursor_cache.get(path)
        if cursor is None:
            cursor = ResourceUtility.load_cursor(path)
            ResourceUtility.cursor_cache[path] = cursor
        return cursor

    def load_cursor(path):
        Loads a cursor from an image file or returns it from the cache. The cursor is returned as a tuple of
        arguments suitable for passing to the PyGame function `set_cursor()`.

        .. IMPORTANT::
            The image must be no larger than 16x16 pixels and should consist only of the colours black (0, 0, 0),
            white (255, 255, 255), blue (0, 0, 255) and cyan (0, 255, 255).  Blue and cyan are used to indicate the
            position of the hotspot, with blue if the hotspot is over a black or transparent pixel, and cyan if it is
            over a white pixel.  The hotspot defaults to the top left corner.  If the image has an alpha channel, it
            should consist of fully opaque or fully transparent pixels.

            path:  A fully qualified path the the image file


        image = ResourceUtility._get_image(path)
        width, height = image.get_size()
        hot = (0, 0)
        data = []
        mask = []
        rowbytes = (width + 7) // 8
        # Python 3 update
        # xr = xrange(width)
        # yr = xrange(height)
        xr = range(width)
        yr = range(height)

        for y in yr:
            bit = 0x80
            db = mb = 0
            for x in xr:
                r, g, b, a = image.get_at((x, y))
                if a >= 128:
                    mb |= bit
                    if r + g + b < 383:
                        db |= bit
                if r == 0 and b == 255:
                    hot = (x, y)
                bit >>= 1
                if not bit:
                    db = mb = 0
                    bit = 0x80
            # if bit <> 0x80:
            if bit != 0x80:
        return (8 * rowbytes, height), hot, data, mask

    def _resource_path(default_prefix, names, prefix="") -> str:

        return os.path.join(ResourceUtility.find_resource_dir(), prefix or default_prefix, *names)

    def _get_image(path, border=0, optimize=optimize_images, noalpha=False, rle=run_length_encode) -> Surface:
        Loads the specified image from the images directory or returns it from the cache.


            border: If border is specified, a border of that number of pixels is stripped from around
                    the image (making it 2 * border pixels smaller in each direction).

            optimize: If optimize is true, convert_alpha() is called on the image.

            noalpha: If noalpha is true, any alpha channel is stripped from the image.

            rle:    If rle is true, the image is run-length encoded to improve blitting speed.

        Returns:  The specified image from the images directory or returns it from the cache
        image = ResourceUtility.image_cache.get(path)
        if not image:
            image = pygame.image.load(path)
            if noalpha:
                image = image.convert(24)
            elif optimize:
                image = image.convert_alpha()
            if rle:
                image.set_alpha(255, RLEACCEL)
            if border:
                w, h = image.get_size()
                b = border
                d = 2 * border
                image = image.subsurface(b, b, w - d, h - d)
            ResourceUtility.image_cache[path] = image
        return image

Class variables

var cursor_cache
var dummy_sound
var font_cache
var image_cache
var ourLogger
var sound_cache
var text_cache

Static methods

def find_resource_dir()
Source code
def find_resource_dir():

    directory = sys.path[0]

    while True:
            path = os.path.join(directory, name)
            if os.path.exists(path):
                return path
        parent = os.path.dirname(directory)
        if parent == directory:
            raise SystemError("albow: Unable to find Resources directory")
        directory = parent
def get_cursor(*names, **kwds)

Get a cursor out of the cache, Else load it and cache it

:param names: :param kwds: :return:

Source code
def get_cursor(*names, **kwds):
    Get a cursor out of the cache,  Else load it and cache it

    :param names:
    :param kwds:

    path = ResourceUtility._resource_path("%s" % DEFAULT_CURSORS_DIRECTORY, names, **kwds)
    cursor = ResourceUtility.cursor_cache.get(path)
    if cursor is None:
        cursor = ResourceUtility.load_cursor(path)
        ResourceUtility.cursor_cache[path] = cursor
    return cursor
def get_font(size, *names, **kwds)

Loads the specified font or returns it from the cache.


This size font to load


Returns :  A pygame font
Source code
def get_font(size, *names, **kwds):
    Loads the specified font or returns it from the cache.

        size:   This size font to load



    Returns:    A pygame font

    path = ResourceUtility._resource_path("%s" % DEFAULT_FONTS_DIRECTORY, names, **kwds)
    key = (path, size)
    font = ResourceUtility.font_cache.get(key)
    if not font:
            font = pygame.font.Font(path, size)
        # Python 3 update
        # except IOError, e:
        except IOError as e:
            raise e.__class__("%s: %s" % (e, path))
        ResourceUtility.font_cache[key] = font
    return font
def get_image(*names, **kwds)

Loads the specified image from the images directory or returns it from the cache.


For some of the options to work correctly, you must have initialized the PyGame screen before calling get_image().



**kwds: Returns:

Source code
def get_image(*names, **kwds) -> Surface:
    Loads the specified image from the images directory or returns it from the cache.

    .. WARNING::
        For some of the options to work correctly, you must have initialized the PyGame screen before calling get_image().



    prefix = kwds.pop('prefix', DEFAULT_IMAGES_DIRECTORY)
    path = ResourceUtility._resource_path(prefix, names)
    return ResourceUtility._get_image(path, **kwds)
def get_sound(*names, **kwds)

Loads the specified sound or returns it from the cache.

If the sound is unable to be loaded for any reason, a warning message is printed and a dummy sound object with no-op methods is returned. This allows an application to continue without sound in an environment where sound support is not available.


Sound file name

**kwds: Returns:

Source code
def get_sound(*names, **kwds):
    Loads the specified sound or returns it from the cache.

    If the sound is unable to be loaded for any reason, a warning message is printed and a dummy sound object
    with no-op methods is returned. This allows an application to continue without sound in an environment
    where sound support is not available.

        *names:  Sound file name



    path = ResourceUtility._resource_path("%s" % DEFAULT_SOUND_DIRECTORY, names, **kwds)

    return ResourceUtility.load_sound(path)
def get_text(*names, **kwds)

Loads the contents of a text file as a string or returns it from the cache. The file is opened in universal newlines mode.


names: *kwds: Returns:

Source code
def get_text(*names, **kwds):
    Loads the contents of a text file as a string or returns it from the cache. The file is opened in
    universal newlines mode.



    path = ResourceUtility._resource_path("%s" % DEFAULT_TEXT_DIRECTORY, names, **kwds)
    text = ResourceUtility.text_cache.get(path)
    if text is None:
        text = open(path, "rU").read()
        ResourceUtility.text_cache[path] = text
    return text
def load_cursor(path)

Loads a cursor from an image file or returns it from the cache. The cursor is returned as a tuple of arguments suitable for passing to the PyGame function set_cursor().


The image must be no larger than 16x16 pixels and should consist only of the colours black (0, 0, 0), white (255, 255, 255), blue (0, 0, 255) and cyan (0, 255, 255). Blue and cyan are used to indicate the position of the hotspot, with blue if the hotspot is over a black or transparent pixel, and cyan if it is over a white pixel. The hotspot defaults to the top left corner. If the image has an alpha channel, it should consist of fully opaque or fully transparent pixels.


A fully qualified path the the image file


Source code
def load_cursor(path):
    Loads a cursor from an image file or returns it from the cache. The cursor is returned as a tuple of
    arguments suitable for passing to the PyGame function `set_cursor()`.

    .. IMPORTANT::
        The image must be no larger than 16x16 pixels and should consist only of the colours black (0, 0, 0),
        white (255, 255, 255), blue (0, 0, 255) and cyan (0, 255, 255).  Blue and cyan are used to indicate the
        position of the hotspot, with blue if the hotspot is over a black or transparent pixel, and cyan if it is
        over a white pixel.  The hotspot defaults to the top left corner.  If the image has an alpha channel, it
        should consist of fully opaque or fully transparent pixels.

        path:  A fully qualified path the the image file


    image = ResourceUtility._get_image(path)
    width, height = image.get_size()
    hot = (0, 0)
    data = []
    mask = []
    rowbytes = (width + 7) // 8
    # Python 3 update
    # xr = xrange(width)
    # yr = xrange(height)
    xr = range(width)
    yr = range(height)

    for y in yr:
        bit = 0x80
        db = mb = 0
        for x in xr:
            r, g, b, a = image.get_at((x, y))
            if a >= 128:
                mb |= bit
                if r + g + b < 383:
                    db |= bit
            if r == 0 and b == 255:
                hot = (x, y)
            bit >>= 1
            if not bit:
                db = mb = 0
                bit = 0x80
        # if bit <> 0x80:
        if bit != 0x80:
    return (8 * rowbytes, height), hot, data, mask
def load_sound(path)

Loads a sound from the file specified by path, or returns it from the cache. Like get_sound(), returns a dummy sound object if the sound cannot be loaded.


Fully qualified path
Returns : A pygame sound object
Source code
def load_sound(path) -> "mixer.Sound":
    Loads a sound from the file specified by path, or returns it from the cache. Like `get_sound()`,
    returns a dummy sound object if the sound cannot be loaded.
        path:  Fully qualified path

    Returns: A pygame sound object

    if ResourceUtility.sound_cache is None:
        return ResourceUtility.dummy_sound
    retSound = ResourceUtility.sound_cache.get(path)
    if not retSound:
            from pygame.mixer import Sound
        # Python 3 update
        # except ImportError, e:
        except ImportError as e:
            return ResourceUtility.dummy_sound
            retSound = Sound(path)
        # Python 3 update
        # except pygame.error, e:
        except pygame.error as e:
            ResourceUtility.missing_sound(e, path)
            return ResourceUtility.dummy_sound
        ResourceUtility.sound_cache[path] = retSound

    return retSound
def missing_sound(e, name)

Log an error message on a missing sound

:param e: The exception :param name: This name of the missing sound :return:

Source code
def missing_sound(e, name):
    Log an error message on a missing sound

    :param e: The exception
    :param name: This name of the missing sound
    ResourceUtility.ourLogger.error("albow.resource.get_sound: %s: %s", name, e)
def no_sound(e)

Clear the sound cache as a side-effect

:param e: Exception to log :return:

Source code
def no_sound(e):
    Clear the sound cache as a side-effect

    :param e: Exception to log

    ResourceUtility.ourLogger.error(f"albow.resource.get_sound: {e}")
    ResourceUtility.ourLogger.error("albow.resource.get_sound: Sound not available, continuing without it")

    ResourceUtility.sound_cache = None
def resource_exists(*names, **kwds)

Returns true if a resource exists with the given pathname components.



Returns :  True if it does, else False
Source code
def resource_exists(*names, **kwds) -> bool:
    Returns true if a resource exists with the given pathname components.



    Returns:  `True` if it does, else `False`

    return os.path.exists(ResourceUtility._resource_path("", names, **kwds))
def resource_path(*names, **kwds)

Constructs a resource pathname from the given pathname components.



Returns :  The resource path
Source code
def resource_path(*names, **kwds) -> str:
    Constructs a resource pathname from the given pathname components.



    Returns:    The resource path

    return ResourceUtility._resource_path("", names, **kwds)